Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be Replaced with ‘Smart Farming’ AI Technology


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for governments to advance artificial intelligence-driven “smart farming” technology to replace human farmers around the world.

Gates made the call during his recent tour of India where he observed experiments of the AI tech being put into practice.

As Slay News reported, Gates has been meeting with Indian political leaders, government officials, scientists, “philanthropists,” and other globalists to discuss his ongoing technology experiments in the country.


During his trip, Gates praised the tyrannical digital ID system that has been rolled out for the general public in India.

After introducing the program nationwide, Indian citizens are now required to use their digital ID in order to access basic services.

While the IDs are not mandatory, people are essentially locked out of society if they refuse to comply with the technology.

The system has set off alarm bells in the free world as many believe the Indian experiment could soon spread to Western nations, as it already has done in Australia.

However, Microsoft co-founder Gates, who is no stranger to conducting experiments in third-world nations, is hailing the scheme as an “inspiration” that other countries should follow.

Meanwhile, Gates has also been impressed by India’s experiments to replace farmers with AI technology.

This week, Gates published a blog stating that, alongside digital IDs, AI-driven “smart farming” is a “inspiration” that must be incorporated by other nations.

Gates met with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during the trip.

They specifically discussed how the world’s “biggest democracy” has managed to implement digital IDs and “smart farming.”

 “We had a great conversation about how the Gates Foundation can continue to support India’s goals on digital technology, women-led development, and innovation in agriculture, health, and climate change,” Gates wrote about the hour’s discussion he had with Modi.

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