Big Pharma and its Bloomberg News, Annenberg Center and Harvard University Shills Adjust the Covid Vax Coverup and Advance the Displacement of Reality


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

As I reported recently, now that it can no longer be denied that the Covid “vaccine” causes death and a large variety of serious health effects, Big Pharma and its shills are adjusting the narrative.

A “study” was done admitting the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but pronouncing them to be “rare.”

Next, Bloomberg Misinformation attributed the deaths and damaged health to Covid, not to the “vaccine.” Here is Jason Gale spinning the facts away from the “vaccine” to Covid itself: “I’ve not seen any data or research in peer-reviewed journals proving that immunizations caused a quarter of a million excess cardiovascular disease deaths in the US. Only the opposite — that they saved millions of lives.”


This is an amazing statement considering that the evidence is so overwhelming that Big Pharma shills are now trying to close down or discredit the vaccine adverse effects reporting system:

Harvard University, which has turned out to be another lie factory, has been forced to drop its “vaccine” mandate, but continues to “strongly recommend” that faculty and students “stay up-to-date” by taking the boosters.

Harvard has followed up by firing one of the rare medical scientists who got the story right from the beginning. Dr. Martin Kulldorff explains: “I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard. The Harvard motto is Veritas, Latin for truth. But, as I discovered, truth can get you fired.” In American universities today, telling the truth, along with using the wrong pronouns, are about the only things that can get you fired. As long as you lie in the interests of donors you are safe.

As I have noted, there are no public or private institutions that we can trust, least of all scientists and universities receiving grants from Big Pharma and medical regulatory agencies such as the FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO, which essentially are revolving doors with Big Pharma. Dr. Fauci at NIH actually was a co-owner of patents with Big Pharma. University research across the board is contaminated, because it is financed by the military/security complex, Big Pharma, corporations, and foundations with agendas. The way to be successful in American universities today is to serve these agendas. Harvard hides behind its motto–“Truth”–but as Dr. Kulldorff reports truth is what gets you fired. Money has as thoroughly corrupted scholarship as it has the character of the American people.

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