Biden’s Hail Mary Budget is Just Another Anchor Baby


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

Last week I was contacted by Sputnik News to give some comments on “President” Biden’s $7.3 trillion budget proposal. To be honest, having to read up on what was in the budget proposal was enough to ruin my day before it even began.

But, ever your humble(sic) servant, I endeavored to persevere and what I saw was typically horrifying, as always. And my quick conclusions were that this budget is a political wish list of a dying party to buy votes however and wherever they can.


The party I’m speaking about isn’t the Democrats, it’s the Uniparty that has the Capitol under foreign control. Because nothing I see in this budget is for America’s prosperity. It is ultimately capital destructive and feeds into the needs of all of America’s enemies, foreign and domestic.

$7.3 trillion paid for with more ‘soak the rich’ taxes is throwing napalm grenades on an already burning fire. And it serves to further sell today’s Americans out for tomorrow’s anchor babies currently being invited across the border at record numbers, given billions in tax dollars to shelter them in our homes and hotels while forcibly denying that they are doing any of it.

It’s not just perverse folks, it’s intentional, with the ultimate end to drive capital away from the US towards other parts of the world. For our friends in Europe it’s clearly a mechanism to make us as bad as them.

Every day in Brussels is another day to vandalize the people of Europe and reinforce who wields real power. Every ludicrous headline I see come out of France or Germany or the Netherlands somehow always looks similar to some brain-dead idea floated by the Biden administration.

The latest, this morning, is Joe’s further assault on car manufacturers by radically upping the restrictions on emissions to the point of outlawing internal combustion vehicles.

This go-round, Biden is “preparing to roll out the toughest-ever” emissions restrictions, according to Bloomberg.

The report says that the Environmental Protection Agency is poised to implement emissions limits that (Biden thinks) could significantly boost electric vehicle sales, requiring EVs to constitute about two-thirds of new car and light truck sales by 2032, a sharp increase from less than 10% last year. 

Unless, of course, people stop buying new cars.

This is yet another example of the desperate need for the Supreme Court to take up the Chevron Deference and strike it down. The agencies should not be making law. That’s Congress’ job.

And I don’t care if Congress is allergic to doing its job, new emission regulations should not be in the hands of unelected bureaucrats run by chiefs who are chosen by the current political party.

While I’m no fan of democracy, the fear of voter backlash is one of the few real world pressure points we still have as taxpayers. So, enough with these poison pills, and legislating through Executive Order. It’s time for the courts to re-establish separation of powers and slow the roll of globalists who think they have the right to tell us what to do.

Because Climate Change! SMFH.

These are things things that need to go through the legislature.

But the real problem with this current globalist wish list is that further soaking the rich to get them to “pay their fair share” will only drive capital elsewhere. As always, they sell the midwits on the first-order effects — helping you poor and downtrodden with buying a house and buying food — and not on the real effects — continuing the divestment cycle which began with these idiotic policies back during FDR.

Every time I listen to one of these pathetic pols complain about “Corporate America,” or “Wall St.,” or “Inflation” all I hear is deflection away from yesterday’s stupid policy which created today’s problems.

It does nothing but remind me that Harry Browne was right all those years ago when he said that all government really does is break your legs and then hand you a crutch. While you are limping along on that crutch they say, ‘See! Without us you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

How about we stop breaking Americans’ legs in the first place?

No. That won’t ever happen because then we might find out that it was all their fault in the first place.

The good news is, post-COVID and the horrific vaccines, that it’s become obvious to millions of people now in ways that it never had been before.

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