An Illegal Alien Military Invasion


by Mike in Alaska, Survival Blog:

The united States of America has been invaded by an illegal alien military force almost equal to what is termed a Field Army. I am going to focus on one report of illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico, and in particular the breakdown of data of who those illegals are, and where they came from.

The data in the list below is courtesy of I had two concerns; the sheer number of aliens caught and processed and released at a checkpoint in Texas, and the demographic breakdown of this group.(1)


Using their numbers, I am going to break down how this comprises a military force invasion. Take into consideration that this is only one small unit of illegal aliens; the true number of illegal aliens allowed into this country I believe is unknown at this juncture of the invasion.

Country of origin Number of Illegals found at Southern border  in FY 2021 and 2022:

CHINESE 26,113


“The following figures are the published data from the Department of defense (DOD) and the breakdown of the U.S. Army Field Army structure.(2)

UNIT                                                     NUMBER OF SOLDIERS
FIELD ARMY                                        90,0000
CORP (2 – 5 DIVISIONS)                     45,000
DIVISION (4 -5 BRIGADES)                15,000
BRIGADE (2 – 4 BATTALIONS)          5,000
COMPANY (3 TO 4 PLATOONS)        200
PLATOON (3 TO 4 SQUADS)             36 TO 40
SQUAD                                                10 TO 12

Assuming the figures given in the NewsMax article shown above in the first photo are close to accurate, it would be safe to assume that an illegal alien army (military force) equal to almost one Field Army was let into this nation by the Biden Administration and the deep state agencies under the Executive Department control.

In addition, I place blame on the Congress of the united States of America for the failure of duty to control the security of this nation by setting up division within the House and Senate and by enacting legislation called the Apportionment Act in 1929(3) effectively amending the Constitution for the united States of America in violation of the Article Five Amendment process. In doing this they have altered the makeup of the House of Representatives and thus the way the balance of power was purloined from “We the People”. In this instance, the people of the United States are no longer the true “Ordinators of government” in this Republic, the political parties are one entity though they appear to be in opposition to one another, the fact is they are one and the same cartel of bandits having been in control of Congress for well over 100 years.

Yes, there are a few numbers of patriotic Senators and Representatives in today’s Congress; however, the sheer number of miscreants is overwhelming the minority of patriots. The majority of both cases are woefully ignorant of what I have just told you!

I have shown that the numbers contained in figures one and two above constitute an illegal military invasion of our Republic and show how the numbers of illegals make up what is called a Field Army.(2) bear in mind that the numbers given for illegal aliens reflected just a demographic breakdown of illegals by country of origin. It also doesn’t show the ages or sex of those individuals. However, a known fact is that the overall demographics 3.3 million aliens coming in through the southern border are a majority of males of military age, have criminal backgrounds, and are not here with good intentions. You can think of these as sleeper cells of groups whose goal is not beneficial to the safety and security of our nation. (3.3 million in 2023 see link 4)

For the sake of simplicity, I am going to round up the numbers from figure one to 90,000 and “borrow” 40,626 other illegal aliens that got away without vetting in that 3.3 million numbers admitted to by the US Government report with the premises that these people are rightfully considered a part of the same effective force as the ones shown by NewsMax in their report.

I do not intend or try to deceive anyone here, my point is with these huge numbers, and the Biden administration’s efforts to flood this nation with illegal aliens, it is impossible to be precise in the actual numbers of any military trained, age inclusive, and equipped illegals that will be a direct threat to our Republic. This does not bode well for anyone in this nation, and if you think that my hypothesis is wrong, just look at the criminal actions we’re seeing on a daily basis as reported in almost any news program you may watch, and consider what is taking place and not being reported by the mainstream media or the government at all levels such as overt acts of terrorism or military actions.

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