Will White Males Become an Endangered Species in the Workplace?


by Janet Levy, American Thinker:

America was founded on the principle that “all men are created equal.”

So how did whites end up at the bottom of a new hierarchy of races?  Why are lawsuits by whites alleging “reverse discrimination” -– racism of another kind -– on the rise?

Conservative writer Christopher Caldwell says it all began in the 1960s.  The decade marked a radical change in how America –- especially official America -– viewed itself.  In The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties, his objective, incisive analysis of the process, Caldwell writes:

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Today slavery is at the center of Americans’ official history, with race the central concept in the country’s self-understanding.  Never before the 1960s was this the case.

Until then, racial conflict in America was always seen against the larger story -– of building a constitutional republic.

But after the 1960s, he writes, “the constitutional republic was sometimes discussed as if it were a mere set of tools for resolving larger conflicts about race and human lives.”

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) -– which Caldwell describes as “less a judicial argument than a judicial order” -– and the Civil Rights Act (1964) ended up casting a “rival Constitution” incompatible with the original and bypassing the democratic process.

The ostensible aim -– to level an unequal social order -– was achieved through a tyrannical regime of laws and bureaucracies raising civil rights to a de facto state religion.

As Caldwell notes,

Civil rights gradually turned into a license for government to do what the Constitution would not previously have permitted.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) -– which the Yale Law Journal once characterized as a “private attorney general” -– contributed by staging and scripting events and lawsuits.  It chose skilled plaintiffs, projecting them to gain maximum public sympathy.

The ground was thus prepared for radical activism and divisive Critical Race Theory (CRT) to take root.  CRT posits that whites are privileged oppressors, raceless and of inferior status; people of color are victims; and inequality is always the result of discrimination.  A racial industrial complex of leftists, anarchists, and NGOs has created an ecosystem that has chilled speech and association, ratcheted up interracial hostility, and relegated whites to the lowest rung of the new, politically correct social order.

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