Why America will Fall


by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

Rachel Nichols hits on a theme that’s near and dear to my heart in this well-written short essay. Please read and share. –

Please note that I’m just the messenger. The past 3 years I have been grieving for the country I once knew. The world which died forever in 2020.

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We no longer have a country. Half the citizens seem to hate the USA. It’s like discovering your spouse hates your marriage, openly cheats and mocks you in public but refuses divorce or separation because he gets his kicks out of punching you. He enjoys locking you up for months on end and only releasing you when you agree to wear a humiliating, uncomfortable garment. Or submit to a dangerous experimental procedure. This is how our government treats us and at least half the population thinks it’s wonderful.

They burn flags in the streets, deface national monuments and curse their native land. Then they have screeching phony outrage about the J6—blaming all Patriots for what happened there when most of us stayed home quietly minding our own business. Like we had during the Democrat riots during their “summer of love” where they smashed and burned everything on camera to post and brag about. And then laughed and lied brazenly. Calling it “peaceful.”

They are leftist cities run by people who hate their own civilization and want it destroyed. What can you do? If your spouse hates you and wants you dead, there’s no point in pleading with him or her to see a marriage counselor. You need to figure out how to escape the clutches of this dangerous, unstable creep. Not seek reconciliation or unity.

Sadly, because this insanity is everywhere, the best we can hope for is to outlast this madness in private conclaves outside the global system. Once the globalism is announced we will have no moral obligation to obey the Beast System. We are called to be good citizens of our countries. Not a One World Government which the Bible warns about.

The ugly new world the Reset creates will have no free markets to leech off the way the USSR did. Eventually it will collapse upon itself. Those behind it are acting irrationally—like a man sawing off a bough he is sitting on.

Everyone with significant wealth or power seems to be a globalist. The only kind of people who run for president in America. The GOP is just better at hiding their mutual agenda. Along with our crooked government officials threatening us is every citizen who chooses to live by lies. They cannot be trusted either.

Patriots talk and talk about elections. How this candidate or that candidate can save our country. (Nearly always Trump.) I believe that all the people running for the office of emperor president are approved by Mr. Global. Donkey or elephant, it makes no difference. He will be selected by the WEF in order to further their agenda.

Here are two big issues affecting the remains of America that are not being addressed and are beyond solving at this point anyhow.

The incredible shrinking dollar.

The Assyrian strategy.

Our dollar is shrinking. Nothing will make it grow again, except starting over with a fresh currency. And that comes with its own set of problems.

The primary agenda behind all the illegals pouring over our borders is not to erase Whitey, nor secure votes for Democrats, nor to use as soldiers against us. (Though extra votes and rootless soldiers are perks.) It is to erase our national culture.

There’s nothing new about it. When the Assyrians conquered a people—such as the nation of Israel—they would take away swaths of the conquered natives and replace them with people of other nations to prevent any threat of uprising. They had no common tongue or shared history or anything to unite them.

People—even on the right—can’t seem to understand what’s happening. None of it is by accident or mistake. “Doesn’t Biden realize how his policies are hurting America?”

Dementia Joe may not, but his handlers do. We have already been destroyed as a nation. What used to be America’s federal government has been hollowed out and used as a Trojan horse to overthrow a once free people from within.

Nobody expected it. Many continue to live in denial. But pretending life will continue on as it did before will not make it so. Our best bet is facing the downfall of the petrol dollar and America itself by prepping and preserving bits of culture outside of the prison cities.

Remember that they failed at keeping us locked down permanently. Some of us will escape being caught in their prison cities and pods. Even if we die that’s still better—as long as we die outside.

Let their muzzled enablers go into the safety prisons. They’ll get what they wanted and won’t like it. That’s punishment enough.

Our best hope is building independent communities, securing local food supplies, and saving energy and ammo for the final stage before the Reset occurs.

Read More @ leohohmann.substack.com