‘We Need to Ask These Questions’: Experts Accuse Government, Pharma of Covering Up Vaccine Risks


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events during a U.S. Senate roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson.

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events during a U.S. Senate roundtable discussion.

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Sen. Ron Johnson hosted the discussion — “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” — which his office said was intended to “expose the truth about how the COVID cartel — federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech — engaged in censorship and coverups.”

“It was heartening to hear these courageous experts willing to risk careers and reputations in order to tell the truth despite tremendous pressure to look the other way,” said Laura Bono, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) vice president.

Bono, who attended the roundtable, added:

“We can’t ensure that the global devastation caused by the COVID crisis will never occur again unless we are able to analyze what happened and speak about it freely. We are immensely grateful to Senator Johnson for presenting this crucial discussion to the American public.”

The discussion focused on six topics: COVID-19 vaccine issues, the history of vaccine injury cover-ups, the corruption of medical research and federal public health agencies, media censorship and propaganda, the COVID-19 response in other countries and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed “pandemic agreement.”

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., CHD chief scientific officer, told The Defender he was “riveted listening to the panelists during the entire four-hour session.”

“Being here among these heroes was such an encouragement,” he said. “Sen. Johnson was an extremely gracious host and a true hero himself.”

Hooker, co-author with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak,” participated in the roundtable, highlighting the health risks posed by vaccines and the lack of adequate testing by federal health agencies.

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