WATCH: IRS Agent Admits Agency “Has No Problem Destroying Peoples Lives” — Their History Of Corruption Proves It


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

The latest undercover sting video by guerilla journalist James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas and current head of the O’Keefe Media Group, has provided some bombshell insights into the standard operating procedure of the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

In the video, an unnamed undercover reporter chats with Alex Mena, an agent with the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit. During their discussion, which Mena is unaware is being filmed, he proceeds to make several startling revelations about his colleagues in the IRS and the way in which the agency treats people.


Among the admissions made by Mena is an unsurprising yet still unsettling acknowledgement, that the IRS “has no problem destroying people’s lives.”

According to Mena, throughout their tenure at the IRS most of his colleagues have lost their empathy. Saying that now they’re “more like robots” and “the definition of an asshole” for their ruthlessness and willingness to target “the small people”.

He is quoted as saying —

“Like those agents have been there for like 15 and 20 years. They said that we were all nice when we started now look at us. They are assholes, they are the definition of an asshole. All of them …. Like, they have no problem going after the small people, you know putting people in prison. Like destroying people’s lives. They have no problem doing that.”

When asked by the undercover reporter if the agents have any empathy towards it he replied in the negative stating, “Not no empathy, they are like robots, all of them.”

Mena goes on to admit several more nefarious practices by the agency including that the agency doesn’t actually need evidence in order to initiate an audit. Effectively stating that the agency “can audit whoever they want”, as well as revealing the way in which artificial intelligence is utilized to spy on the financial data of every American in the country.

He elaborates that they (the IRS) “has all the information of all the companies in the whole world, not just the United States”. Presumably referring to American companies and people that still fall under the jurisdiction of U.S. tax code abroad. He describes how the AI systems, through what is effectively illegal warrantless surveillance, analyze through all of the financial data looking for indications of fraud. A process which Mena describes as “invasive” and “probably not constitutional”. What’s more, he admits that even though the AI system is still under human control for now, the IRS itself doesn’t actually control it, but rather it falls under the control of the Department of Justice and the Inspector General.

In a further demonstration of the excessive overreach of the federal government Mena also goes on to admit that because the IRS is a federal agency just under Congress and the President “the states really don’t have any say in what we do.”

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