VINDICATION: Study finds Trump “almost certainly” won 2020 election, but mail-in ballot fraud resulted in Biden “winning” instead


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Had there not been massive voter fraud, i.e., fraudulent mail-in ballots, in the 2020 election, Donald Trump “almost certainly” would have won, a new study has found.

The Heartland Institute put together the report, which gauged the probable impact of voter fraud on the 2020 election results. Based on data collected from a Heartland / Rasmussen survey conducted in December, roughly one-in-five, or 20 percent, of mail-in voters admitted to potentially fraudulent activity in the election.


Further analyses led the research team to determine that mail-in ballot fraud did, in fact, “significantly” impact the 2020 presidential election, just as many said was the case.

Mail-in ballots are a new thing that conveniently came about during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic, constituting more than 43 percent of votes cast in 2020. It was often allowed with any legislative approval, meaning it was, in many cases, illegal to begin with.

“Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” the report’s authors wrote.

(Related: There are no longer free and fair elections in the United States.)

2024’s “biggest story,” Trump says

Based on what was uncovered, nearly 30 percent of poll respondents in the December survey basically fessed up to committing some type of behavior that is “under most circumstances, illegal,” which amounts to voter fraud.

“This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted,” the researchers wrote.

The findings are so massive, according to Trump, that they should be dubbed “the biggest story of the year.”

Had this fraud not occurred, Trump likely would have won in six of the nation’s most important swing states where officially he lost.

“Then they calculated the electoral results in the six states under the different scenarios, each with a lower assumed percentage of fraudulent ballots, ranging from 28.2 percent all the way down to 1 percent,” one media report explains.

“For each of the 29 scenarios that they assess, the researchers calculated the estimated number of fraudulent ballots, which were then subtracted from overall 2020 vote totals to generate a new estimate for vote totals … Overall, of the 29 different scenarios presented in the study, the researchers concluded that President Trump would have won the 2020 election in all but three.”

The only scenario in which Biden could have legitimately won the 2020 election is if mail-in ballot fraud was between one and three percent of ballots cast, which we know was not the case.

“Mail-in ballot fraud rates higher than 3 percent would, according to the study, mean more fraudulent Biden votes that should be subtracted from the total, putting President Trump ahead,” reports indicate.

“For example, the adjustment to the vote tallies under fraud percentage rates between 13 and 6 percent would mean President Trump would have won Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, though he would have still lost in Michigan and Nevada … Under such a scenario, President Trump would have won 289 Electoral College votes compared to candidate Biden’s 249.”

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