by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
White people have been destroying white people for as long as I remember. I don’t mean only in military wars, such as WW I and WW II, which destroyed the English and Europe and left them as American vassel states. In wars of a different kind the damage has been as terrible. In fact, worse, because it is not only a genocide of white people but a genocide of their culture of freedom and accountable government.
(Note: in this article I include Jews among white people. Some Jews maintain that “white” applies only to gentiles and that Jews are Semites.)
So that this column doesn’t get too long for Americans to have the patience to read, I will start at an arbitrary point in time: The destruction of neighborhood schools. It began with Brown vs. Board of Education when an unintelligent and socially illiterate Supreme Court ruled that going to school with your own kind was “unequal” and a violation of the 14th Amendment of equal treatment under the law.
Liberals aimed Brown vs. Board of Education at the Southern states that had comprised the Confederate States of America. They intended a second Reconstruction of the South, but the supreme court’s ruling affected the entire country.
In those days most women were still homemakers whose time was given to raising children with character and morals. Instead of going to work helping corporations to make profits, women raised children and provided a home. Also, in those days, especially in the South which was relatively poor, and I expect the same was true all over, schools were NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS to which, in those days, meant that kids could walk to and from safely.
In the South, and I expect everywhere, schools were NOT RACIALLY SEGREGATED. They were segregated by economic class. Middle class students went to school with middle class kids, Rich kids went to school with their well-to-do compatriots. Kids from poor neighborhoods went to school with others of their economic class.
As those wonderful short movies, The Little Rascals, show, in small Southern towns everyone went to the same school. So there was racial integration in schools in the South.
Also in housing. When I was teaching at Tulane University in New Orleans, my neighbors in the French Quarter were black. I also had black neighbors when I lived in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia.
In those days of neighborhood schools, parents and teachers (PTA) met on Thursday evenings, probably monthly but possibly more often, and went over student performance and what was being taught. There was, unlike today, friendly and cooperative relations between parents and teachers. It was mainly a meeting of mothers with teachers. All of the extraordinary things that happen today were impossible then.
Since schools were neighborhood schools, the schools could only be integrated by busing students from one neighborhood to another across town. Kids, who had walked to school, started spending several hours a day on school buses. PTA meetings were no longer local. They required a trip across town, which was too much of a disruption. Consequently, what school integration achieved was to terminate communication between parents and teachers.
In other words, the destruction of neighborhood schools was totally destructive.
It was destructive in other ways. Disparity in motivation, behavior, and ability of racially, socially and economically mixed student bodies required a lowering of standards. Today it is commonplace that hardly any students in the school district can meet performance standards. The hours kids spent riding on school buses was totally wasted time. Bored, they became susceptible to bad behavior. Reports emerged of girls on school buses giving oral sex to boys. The sexual morality of women began to disintegrate into what we see today.
With busing using up their play time, they skimped on their study time. Consequently, academic performance in American has consistently fallen. Today it is far below where it was in 1950. Today it is possible in America to be a honor graduate of a high school and not be able to write cursive, know the multiplication tables, or anything about the Constitution except that it is racist.
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