Monday, January 20, 2025

The evil that secular elites present us with


by Prof. Pedro Blas González, America Outloud:

Life is Always Elsewhere

One aspect of the evil that postmodern, secular elites present us with is the notion that life is always ‘elsewhere’ – we are conditioned to hate the life we have been given – reject the world we have, and stump on human reality as a thing that can be molded, a malleable putty that becomes, on demand, whatever our hapless passions and whims desire.

Secular elites foster widespread discontent on an unsuspecting populace, especially the youth. This is the essence of self-loathing and the sense of worthlessness. Today, both of these nihilistic existential conditions are disguised as narcissism.


It is not a secret that life-negating elites live life with self-loathing, regardless of their wealth and power. Who would have thought that wealth and power corrupt absolutely – to the point of megalomania?

The messianic and demonic forces of the here-and-now propose to make life a contest that pins man against each other and man against human reality in the hope of satiating secular man’s fetish for the sensual here-and-now.

Morally ambidextrous and existentially empty beings know no better than to take the easy road to perdition. They figure that the one-way trip will be fun and ‘cool.’ These people are what the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset refers to as mass man. We are talking about people who lead morally/spiritually bankrupted lives and see no limit they cannot surpass to gratify their emptiness. For such people, life is merely a sensual reservoir of pleasure. As mass man, they seek no other values but their own. These beings are the poster children of secular postmodern life.

Exposing the Secular Elite Agenda

Besides being demonic in their incessant desire to control other people, the messianic denizens of the secular here-and-now are ominous purveyors of narcissism and debauchery. Morally hollow lives take their cue from material forces. Secular nihilists are a threat to human happiness and societal and world stability.

It is a measurable condition of institutions and societal rules of engagement that ‘things’ never deteriorate on their own, not at the astounding rate that the world has witnessed decay in every form imaginable, beginning in 2019, without an occult (hidden) hand driving the horror, mayhem, and destruction of values. Do many good-willed people even suspect the pleasure that the totalitarian beings who rule the world today take from their vile sadism?

Secular elites are on a quest for social engineering for men, women, and families. In short, for the world as we know it. The morally reprehensible elites that rule our world and institutions today relish violence and totalitarian fervor.

Secular elites aim to shut down the power grids, transfer ownership of farmlands to themselves and government bureaucrats, tax and regulate working people from owning anything, destroy the family unit, and make children the property of the state. They tell us that they are going to de-populate the planet to ‘save’ it. This is not speculation, for secular elites tell us their plan for man and the world every day.

It all begins with personal self-loathing in the lives of secular elites that spread like wildfire to others of their same ilk. Seeking safety in numbers, secular elites conspire to destroy beauty and innocence, for these are human essences that point to higher things, higher forms of human existence.

Secular elites hate the human person. They are megalomaniac sociopaths who aim to annihilate transcendent human qualities that keep healthy people from falling prey to the meaninglessness and self-loathing that is the result of messianic hate for the supernatural realm.

How often do we have to hear evil people tell us – they no longer keep their malignant intentions a secret – that they are going to set up the most efficient and vast system of gulags the world has yet witnessed?

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