Report: Willis Prosecution Is White House Operation. Key Adviser/Operative Is Biden Plant.


by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

The prosecution of Donald Trump in Georgia for a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election result is a Biden White House operation.

The administration planted a top Democrat legal torpedo in the office of Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis, Breitbart reported. The purpose: Get Trump.

Anonymous sources inside the obvious Sovietized prosecution of Trump revealed the possibly illegal White House conspiracy, which could “present a strong argument that the administration interfered in the 2024 presidential election.”


Top Democrat Legman

It’s bad enough that Willis hired lover boy Nathan Wade to help prosecute Trump, an unethical form of self-dealing given she and Wade vacationed together, most likely with the small fortune Willis paid him.

The hearings to determine whether Willis can remain on the case go on.

But “one significant figure is overlooked in the Fulton County scandal”: one Jeff DiSantis, Breitbart reported, “the county’s Deputy District Attorney with professional experience far greater than the average county employee.”

A 2020 Willis campaign operative, he was also executive director of the state Democratic Party. And he has “extensive knowledge of campaign finance law.” He was a top hand as director of compliance at the Democratic National Committee.

DiSantis’ biography:

Jeff has also worked for candidates in 30 states running for a variety of offices, including President of the United States, United States Senator, Governor, United States Representative, Attorney General, District Attorney, and Mayor, as well as for a national political party committee. He has served as a campaign manager, media consultant, pollster, press spokesman, research director, and policy advisor.

That seems innocent enough. Lawyers in major-league politics are a dime a dozen. But the sources told Breitbart that DiSantis is no ordinary big-league designated hitter.

“Sources credit DiSantis with colluding with the White House to target Trump,” Breitbart continued:

“DiSantis did this,” one source told Breitbart News about the Trump case. “He’s the one. He is the one pulling all the strings. He was the one that walled her [Willis] off. He was in every important meeting. He is the brainchild behind this. That is the connection to the White House.”

The sources told Breitbart they are “‘100 percent’ certain” that the Biden White House planted DiSantis, and, as one source said, he “is the one pulling the strings on this whole thing.”

Willis’ testimony in the disqualification case that Trump’s attorneys have brought shows that “she’s not smart,” the source said. “That is how she sounds and acts every day of the week.”

Continued Breitbart:

“Anyone that has common sense knows that the White House has been involved in this prosecution,” a source told Breitbart News. “This shouldn’t just miraculously happen. Of course, she’s [Willis] not going to prosecute the former president [of the] United States without the current administration’s approval.”

The sources also told Breitbart that DiSantis, using voter registration data, packed the grand jury with Trump haters, that DiSantis served on Willis’ transition team, and that he helped her pick her employees. “DiSantis was there in the capacity to be a political strategist, hiding in the DA’s office,” a source told Breitbart.

Willis Might Prosecute

Even if Breitbart is right, and Willis did need the go-ahead from Ice Cream Joe to go after Trump, and even if she needed DiSantis to run the show from behind the scenes because she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, she very well could have conceived the idea herself given her background.

Willis’s goal is to cripple Trump as a 2024 candidate by charging him with a conspiracy under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Willis filed 41 state felony charges against 19 defendants because Trump asked a state official to “find” the votes to defeat Biden.

Were she to succeed, Democrats, and likely some supporters of Trumps’ GOP rival Nikki Haley, would argue that Section 3 of the federal Constitution’s 14th amendment proscribes Trump from running for president because he rebelled against the United States.

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