Pfizer’s New Heart Pandemic


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

For years, we’ve been writing about how evil Pfizer is. Case in point: this article from 2017 where we featured Dr. Peter Rost, a former vice president of Pfizer and a whistleblower of the pharmaceutical industry. He is the author of The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman, and at the time was talking about how deadly the HPV vaccine was. Dr. Rost claimed that pharmaceutical companies intentionally design vaccines to keep the public in a state of illness for purposes of perpetual treatments.


That was seven years ago, and never has the evil of Pfizer been more apparent. Just last month, in January 2024, the powers-that-be declared that the new coronavirus variant would likely cause a higher risk of heart problems.

This time, the “powers-that-be” presented as researchers from Riken, Japan’s largest scientific institute, funded nearly entirely by the Japanese government. However, RIKEN also accepts “donations from individuals and corporations for the enhancement and development of research.” They even have a page where donors can send a direct credit card donation.

I’m sure that is all above board. Nothing to see here, right? In 2019, Riken had a budget of $900 million, yet they still need credit card donations? What types of corporations work with RIKEN? Corporations like Bayer work with RIKEN, like in the drug discovery collaboration they’ve been jointly working on for about five years.

No sooner had RIKEN researchers announced that patients who had COVID-19 would have persistent viral heart infections than Pfizer came out swinging, making a big bet on the “heart failure pandemic.”

Is it really a bet though, or more of a calculated strategy? Years ago, in December 2021, Pfizer announced they would buy Arena Pharmaceuticals. Pfizer had its eye on etrasimod, Arena’s drug for ulcerative colitis. The drug was approved by the FDA in October 2023, and Pfizer now markets it as VELSIPITY™.

Pfizer’s own website says in the press release that “UC is a chronic and often debilitating condition that affects an estimated 1.25 million people in the United States.” That’s a lot of people, but is it enough of a market to drive Pfizer to buy Arena at a 100% premium? This was a $6.7 billion deal – a cash deal. All for ulcerative colitis? That doesn’t add up in my book. Pfizer sped the development of etrasimod. Why? Because the drug is a potential therapy for all kinds of immuno-inflammatory diseases, including inflammation of the heart. Part of the deal was that Pfizer acquired all Arena assets in gastroenterology, dermatology and cardiology.

In July 2021, the first links between the COVID-19 mRNA jabs and myocarditis began to be reported. In December 2021, Pfizer entered into a formal agreement to purchase Arena, and by March 2022, it was a done deal.

Incredibly, myocarditis incidents began skyrocketing shortly thereafter. In one example from a May 2022 article, emergency cardiac arrest calls for young adults strongly correlated with the vaccine rollout of doses 1 and 2 in Israel, one of the most jabbed countries in the world.

An FDA-sponsored study looked at health records of children from December 2020 to June 2022, and found incidences of myocarditis and pericarditis to be high enough to trigger a safety signal in 12- to 17-year-olds. The timeframe from jab to seeking cardiac care for myocarditis or pericarditis was 6.8 days.


About a year after the ink dried on the Arena deal, Pfizer announced another huge deal in early 2023, the purchase of Seagen Pharmaceuticals.

Seagen is known for its pipeline of cancer drugs, and Pfizer really wanted that pipeline because they spent $43 billion on the deal. Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla described it as “acquiring the goose that is laying the golden eggs.”

Once again, the purchase begs the question: Is this business prowess on the part of Pfizer, or is it all planned?

measles cancer

Turbo cancers became “a thing” in January 2023 when the infamous fact checkers of the internet began reporting that any connection between the mRNA jabs and turbo cancer were false.

By summer, physicians had started describing turbo cancers as the new pandemic, and scientists had started to provide reasoning for the sudden and aggressive cancers that oncologists were witnessing. They all seemed to start after a booster shot, and prior to that the cancer had been calm and under control. Soon, articles like this one were commonplace, with physicians professing they had never seen cancers acting like this; patients had bouts so extreme and aggressive that they were often dead within months.

Bourla himself said that the world is seeing a new turbo cancer pandemic, which explains the Seagen purchase. Seagen works with antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology, which uses monoclonal antibodies made in a lab to seek out cancer cells and deliver a drug to those cells while sparing the surrounding tissue. Bourla called the ADC technology “one of the greatest technologies to battle cancer” and said they were very much like the mRNA for vaccines. Interestingly, Pfizer created the first ADC, Mylotarg, but had to take it off the market in 2010 after studies showed the drug was more toxic than chemotherapy.

Bourla said the Seagen acquisition “dramatically changes the oncology presence of Pfizer, making it one of a kind.” Cancer treatments are a priority for Pfizer, said Bourla, who was ecstatic at being able to “deliver Seagen’s cancer therapy to the world at a scale that has not been seen before.”

Unadulterated Greed

Where will this end? When will Pfizer have enough money and enough power? Pfizer was literally rolling in cash after 2021; they had double the revenue ($81.3 billion) compared to 2020. They bought Biohaven Pharmaceuticals for $11.6 billion to gain access to the company’s migraine drug. In 2022, they also bought Global Blood Therapeutics to gain access to the company’s sickle cell drug Oxbryta. But only 100,000 Americans at most suffer from sickle cell, so how can they make $3 billion off this drug? What does Pfizer know that the rest of us don’t? Will we see a blood cell disease epidemic as well?

Some analysts note that ultimately Pfizer may go bankrupt. The drivers? Mainly unadulterated greed. Will Pfizer go the way of Purdue Pharma, a company where greed created an environment of perpetually, dishonestly and aggressively marketing harmful products to the public. For example, the FDA just approved (last fall) the 2023-2024 SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5  mRNA shot for individuals 5 years of age and older. Is anyone still taking these? Just as with Purdue, will Pfizer see its legal protections evaporate with the upcoming COVID vaccine claims? There are many parallels here. We can only hope the same will happen to Pfizer.

However, the days of big revenue from COVID products have passed. The US government is returning $3.5 billion of unused Paxlovid treatments, and Pfizer is facing revenue losses from many patent expirations that are looming in the near future.

Vigilant News notes that older and more experienced vaccine companies like GSK did not enter into the Covid vaccine fray. That may have been a wise choice. Pfizer did enter that market, driven by (at best) unadulterated greed and at worst, as a major player in the depopulation agenda for the world.

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