Saturday, February 1, 2025

Labeling patriots a threat to national security may be the end game for civilian disarmament


by David Risselada, America Outloud:

Last week, at the height of the border crisis fiasco, the FBI arrested a Tennessee man for coordinating with several militia groups to go to the border and, to use his words, “get to work.” Paul Faye told the FBI he believed the government was planning to wage a war against its citizens and that he was hoping to unleash the hornet’s nest. He also revealed to the FBI that he intended to transport explosive munitions to the border to be used against government agents and illegal immigrants. It sounds like a perfect opportunity to charge him under the nation’s anti-terrorism laws. Yet, despite these intentions to start the next American revolution, Faye was only charged with selling an unregistered NFA item to an undercover agent.


Paul Faye

You would think that transporting deadly explosives would produce more serious charges, but no. He sold an unregistered silencer to the agent, and that is what they charged him with. Why? Because that is the only thing that would stick. There was no proof of anything else, aside from Faye’s words, which, except for any direct threats to kill, are protected by the First Amendment. The government has been working overtime to create the perception that America’s “patriot movement” comprises dangerous white supremacists who are the nation’s biggest terrorist threat.

Any American, according to the document, Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, who opposes illegal immigration, opposes homosexual marriage, supports the Second Amendment, or thinks taxation is theft is a potential threat to national security. This arrest just happened to take place at the same time an anti-militia training bill was getting attention in Congress. Imagine that.

The citizen militia caught the FBI’s attention in the late 80s and early 90s. According to a national security policy paper by The New American Foundation, entitled PATCON: The FBI’s Secret War against the patriot movement, and How Infiltration Tactics Relate to Radicalizing Influences, the FBI labeled all militia groups as racist, white supremacists and used the term “patriot” in reference to them. The belief then was the same as it is now. Militia groups were organizing because they believed the government was planning a hostile takeover of the country, stripping us of our rights, and merging us with a one-world global government. Hard to believe. In response, the FBI, operating under a program similar to COINTELPRO (counterintelligence operations), created a group of its own in 1991 called The Veterans Aryan Movement to infiltrate and investigate the possibility that these groups may commit acts of violence. There are some interesting correlations to be made here.

First, after two years of investigations into various groups across the country, nothing of any substantial weight was ever uncovered that went beyond mere First Amendment implications. Second, many of the speeches given by militia group leaders were taken wildly out of context by the FBI, giving the impression there was a call to arms to overthrow the government. According to the report, this led to the justification of further investigations and new infiltration tactics. Paranoia spread that the FBI was attempting to lure militia members into committing acts of violence through the use of agent provocateurs. They wouldn’t do that, would they?

According to Peter Aldous of Buzzfeed News, the FBI once recruited a man named Shahed Hussain, who was acting as an informant, to entice four others who shared views in line with radical Islam to bomb two synagogues in New York City. Even the judge in this case noted that the individuals involved would not have been able to commit such an act if not provided the materials and the know-how by the FBI.

A few years ago in Oklahoma City, the FBI enticed a young man, known to cling to the three percenter ideology, to bomb a local bank. He was provided with the necessary materials and believed he was driving real bombs to the location in question. The only problem was that the parents told the media, after all was said and done, that the FBI knew the individual was schizophrenic and had been deemed incompetent by a court of law. He was living at home with his parents, and had he not been provided with the materials to carry out the deed, he would have never conceived of it. Let’s not forget about the time during the Oregon mining standoff when the FBI posed as local militia members and staged a break-in of the local armory to make the militia that was present look radical.

These are just a few examples, but they bring into question the validity of the claim that Paul Faye was coordinating a massive militia action at the border. The only thing he was charged with was selling an unregistered NFA item. If there was any real possibility he had explosives, given the evidence in the previous examples, they would have possibly coaxed him along further.

Many Americans believe this type of activity, commonly known as entrapment, to be illegal. U.S. Code 645-Entrapment, however, states that an individual’s willingness to participate in an activity that an undercover agent may be coaxing them into committing may be considered a predisposition to engaging in that type of crime. In other words, entrapment isn’t illegal if the individual in question belongs to a group that law enforcement believes, may cling to an ideology that may be capable of committing the type of crime they are being set up to commit.

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