by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
According to this new story by Michael Snyder over at the Economic Collapse Blog, the average American household is now spending $1,019 a month MORE on goods and services than we were just 3 years ago, with the average American family incomes per month during that same time period definitely not keeping up with that jump.
With a related story at the Daily Mail (saved here at Archive) from February 14th reporting US households are now spending an average of $1,080 every month on food and other critical supplies such as toilet paper, etc., with money spent upon weekly grocery shopping trips ranging from $221.46 a week to $297.72 per week depending upon where one lives as seen in the map below taken from that story, as the top-voted comment from the Daily Mail story clearly pointed out, “Our groceries average about $1500 a month on essentials. It was on average $700 just three years ago.”
With the next top-voted comment squarely hitting the nail on the head with “BlDENFLATlON HAS DESTROYED THE NATION,” as the next top-voted comment pointed out, “The USA will literally do anything and everything in their power to keep the poor as poor as possible. Yay us” while others pointed out, “Simply put, it shouldn’t cost a small fortune to feed ourselves. Only in the good ole US of A. We cannot afford Biden. But then, no politician really cares about the rampant inflation most Americans are facing.
And with that last comment perfectly putting the blame where the blame is due, upon not only JB but ALL of the ’empty suits’ that ‘occupy’ Washington DC, from both political parties because we sure haven’t seen any Republican politicians stepping to the plate and stomping out this growing madness, another one of the top-voted comments fits in perfectly with the commenters here at ANP:
“Just came from the grocery store. Frozen pineapple is $7! Fresh strawberries are $7! A box of no salt chicken stock. $4! Cat food. $3 a can! FJB and all the dead that voted for him.”
As Michael Snyder pointed out in his story at the Economic Collapse Blog, these exploding prices on food and other ‘necessities’ keep exploding, with one commenter from a popular web forum angry that their weekly shopping expenditures have skyrocketed from $100 a week to over $250 a week in no time.
And as Susan Duclos had pointed out just days ago in this story on ANP, those prices are forecast to keep going up, with beef prices expected to go up 30% or more in 2024. Briefly, from this Economic Collapse Blog story, we hear one person’s story and feel their anger.:
$100 used to be the total, when we really stocked up or picked some extras.
Prices started climbing and we trimmed the extras, it hit $120-130.
At $150 we started b!tching.
A month ago it hit $180. Hell it may have only been two weeks since we hit $180.
Today it was $250 and we didn’t even get everything.
A story that almost everyone can probably relate to with the average grocery spending seen in the map above showing that residents of every US state are now spending an average of well over $200 a week, meaning just about every household in America is now spending over $1,000 a month on foods, just to survive, we had warned on ANP all the way back on December 28th of 2018 that according to the Deagel Report’s 2025 forecast, America would be a 3rd world nation by the year 2025.
Largely due to our ‘purchase power parity’ (PPP) being forecast to tumble from $59,500 in 2017 to only $16,374 in 2025, in comparison, we also reported back in 2018 that the purchase power parity (PPP) of Venezuela in 2017 was only $9,132, and there, the people were eating cats, dogs and zoo animals just to survive.
And while thankfully, we here in the ‘good ole USA’ haven’t yet fallen to those depths, as we’d bluntly warned in this May 17th of 2023 ANP story, we were rapidly being herded in that direction. And while the weekly grocery store expenditures pointed out in the map above seem staggering, the globalist government in Washington DC, working on ‘depopulation,’ still has a long way to go to meet their overall goals.
As we’d warned in this May of 2023 ANP story, according to a video from Epic Economist titled “20 Facts That Prove American Families Are Being Completely Crushed By Rising Prices,” we’re well on our way to an economic crisis of epic proportions as Michael Snyder had also warned in this February 15th story at the Economic Collapse Blog. The discussion below is from this May of 2023 Epic Economist video discussing what huge chunks of America are now going through.
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