How The Satanic WEF Propaganda Network Uses A.I. To Carry Out Brainwashing To Control The People Through Dystopian Dark Psychology, Trying To Turn Demonic Deceptions Into ‘Truth’


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

Computers. They are all over the place and even reside in many things you may be surprised to realize they are controlling. This hackneyed component of modern life has been around in some form for millennia from the simple numeral frame to the more advanced abacus and included the use of fingers, stones etc to represent multiples and sets of other numbers (I will admit to still using that method for quick calculations). Their basic history and functions are actually easy to understand and we have covered it before, but a refresher may be a nice option at this point. The first computers were mechanical and even hydro mechanical and in the 1900’s electro mechanical and then fully electronic computers were invented that at first used vacuum tubes as the state switches before transistors were developed to fill that role at much reduced cost, size and power consumption to say nothing of increased speeds of operation and reliability.


Computers work best at repetitive calculations and were first not just deployed but actually developed to do the major bulk calculations and comparative analysis that was used to break codes during World War Two.  They are excellent at that kind of work because they are fast, and unlike humans, handle repetitive calculations well.  Crypto analysis is the primary goal of those first computers and the modern super computers are the same thing, just a lot faster and more powerful but designed for the same reasons.  Yes, they are used for scientific and other tasks that require massive amounts of data manipulation and analysis but they are all based on the same principles that were useful for breaking military codes rapidly.  Times have changed and the computer has a much more nefarious purpose that we will cover next.

On a personal note I get irritated at those people that have no understanding of the difference between Electric and Electronic.  They use electronic for anything electrical and that makes them look like uneducated and sloppy writers.  Sorry everybody, but that is just one of those weird things that gets into my cornmeal so to say.  Electrical is anything that uses the motion of electrons controlled to vary the voltage, current, resistance and such to meet some end goal.  Your flashlight is electrical; your furnace motor is electrical as is your toaster.  Electronic means that the actions depend on the PROPERTIES of the electrons themselves such as their movements inside a semi-conductor.  One might simplify that to mean if it uses the energy of the electron then it is electric while if it is the medium for manipulating something using electrons such as the radio you may be listening to or the computer you may be reading this column on then it is electronic.  Off of my soapbox and back to the subject at hand.

Computers work fundamentally on simple logic systems and programs but when those systems are put into place to do real work they become complicated very quickly and the simple reasoning of the fundamental (yes I know, over simplified) If-Then–Else logic flow cascades immensely.  When you search for something on the internet, when you don’t even think of what is going on when you push a button to dial a phone a thousand miles away and connect almost instantly with someone from billions of possible telephone numbers then you can see the practical applications of the power of a computer.  Manipulating graphic images, streaming multiple movies on one connection or even on just one computer; even something seemingly simple as editing an email involves massive amounts of data manipulation.  And all of it is based on the more simple building blocks of basic coding systems multiplied manifold for creating the end result.  Understand this fundamental operational concept and you will know enough for most purposes.

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