Google AI Refuses To Show Iconic Tiananmen Square Image


by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Or much of anything else for that matter, apart from ‘diversity’

Google’s new AI platform Gemini has come under fire for refusing to show historical images, including the iconic ‘tank man in Tiananmen Square’.

Someone asked Gemini to generate an image of the lone man standing in front of tanks during the 1989 incident when pro-democracy protesters were massacred by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.


Google’s Gemini refused, claiming that generating “images of people” would violate its safety policy.

It sounds a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

The image generator element of Gemini also refused to create images of a German soldiers from the 1930s for some people, reasoning that it is ‘sensitive’ and could be ‘harmful’.

In fact, it is difficult to get the Google AI to create any specific images of people.

It appears to believe everything is potentially harmful:

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