Expect A Dangerous And Explosive Free-For-All In The Times Ahead With Global Govt Terrorists Operating With Total Impunity: ‘Life Will Become A Deadly, Daily, Hungry Hell’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Head Of United Nations Warns Of A ‘World In Chaos’ In 2024

While those who’ve been watching events all over America and the world within the independent media have been warning to be prepared for something huge ahead as we steamroll into 2024 in our mad dash towards ‘2025’ and the future, the Secretary General of the United Nations has just added his voice into the mix during a speech to the UN.

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With UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres bluntly warning ‘our world is entering an age of chaos,’ chaos due largely, according to Guterres, to the never-ending wars all around us, as well as to what Guterres calls ‘dysfunction’ and a major division within the UN’s Security Council, what he calls a deeper and more dangerous division than they experienced during the Cold War, Guterres warns that ‘Peace’ is the ‘missing piece,’ and that “Every day and at every turn, it seems – it’s war.”

Warning also “There is so much anger and hate and noise in our world today” and the ‘turbulence of our times’ is leading to life every day for millions of people who are caught up in the wars all around the world being a deadly, daily, hungry hell, never in his remarks does he bother to mention all of the distrust and chaos unleashed upon our planet by the UN itself, and ‘Governments’ waging war upon their own people, quite literally carrying out ‘genocide’ upon us as we’ve witnessed in ‘the West,’ nor does he take responsibility for the unleashing of this ‘chaos’ by the failures of the UN and ‘global government’.

And while Guterres does briefly mention “more and more people are losing trust in institutions and faith in the political process” and “this is especially troubling in a year when half of humanity will go to the polls,” that ‘trust in institutions’ Guterres mentions will NEVER BE regained again as long as those institutions continue to blatantly lie to us every day, Orwellian-level lies we see in 2024.

Nor will that ‘trust in our institutions’ and ‘political processes‘ EVER BE regained as long as wannabe tyrants continue to maneuver the results of our elections, ensuring that ‘their candidate‘ is ‘installed into office’ as we witnessed here in the USA in 2020, with 2024 looking more and more like a repeat of the ‘2020 steal’.

Thus ensuring a huge explosion of chaos and violence in 2024 either way the election turns out, as half the US population is dumbed down into believing every single word the MSM babbles to them while half the country sees through the never-ending lies we’re getting from our so-called ‘political leaders’ and their ‘talking heads’ in the MSM, and both groups growing more and more angry every day, as Guterres warns of this ‘age of chaos’ we have entered: We are seeing the results: a dangerous and unpredictable free-for-all with total impunity..

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