Col. Macgregor: Israel’s actions in Gaza could cause its own destruction, WWIII


by Patrick Delaney, LifeSite News:

The Biden administration’s unconditional support for Israel’s actions in Gaza could lead to war against Iran’s ‘enormous arsenal of missiles’ which may ‘reduce most of Israel to ashes’ and elicit a nuclear exchange, the retired colonel warned.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor has warned that Israel’s current operation of “expelling or killing the population in Gaza” is enraging the Arab nations in the region.


Macgregor believes this will “culminate… in the destruction of Israel” with war easily expanding globally, even onto American soil, and the real possibility of nuclear exchanges.

“The only way to put a stop to this is for the American people to raise their voices and say, ‘We don’t want to be party to this [Israeli] operation,’” the decorated combat veteran said. “It is inconsistent with our views of what is morally right or wrong.”

Macgregor, who was speaking in a Monday interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano, said there was a disparity between Israel’s stated goals of “eradicating Hamas and returning the hostages” and its destructive rampage upon Gaza. The attack has reportedly killed at least 26,900 since October 7, including over 11,000 children and 7,500 women, not counting the estimated 8,000 missing and presumed dead and buried under the rubble. Furthermore, more than 570,000 of the 1.7 million displaced persons are suffering from starvation with some now beginning to die.

There have been accusations of genocide from across the globe, including from many Jewish organizationsexpert commentators and individuals.  Nevertheless, Macgregor stated that “the Israeli population is behind” this operation. “They don’t question this at all.”

“Most Israelis equate the final removal of all the Arabs that currently live in what they regard as ‘Greater Israel’—this is the sea to the Jordan River—as equating to their long-term security and survival,” he said.

For many decades Christians in the Holy Land have pleaded with Israel and the international community to end the Jewish state’s illegal occupation and building of settlements on the Palestinian people’s internationally recognized territory, as a necessary foundation for peaceful coexistence.

Regardless, while “it’s an all or nothing proposition” for the Israelis, Macgregor said the relevant question “is not what the Israelis want or what they believe, but what do the American people want, and how do they feel? Are they comfortable with the wholesale removal of the Arab population, Muslim and Christian, from Gaza?” Can they support this (2.4M) population’s “death or expulsion or it’s killing directly or indirectly through disease and starvation or not?”

“If they’re not comfortable with that, they need to get off their rear ends and call their representatives in Washington,” because right now few in Washington are opposed to what Israel is doing, he said.

‘I don’t think we can stop’ the destruction of Israel

Though the leaders of Middle East Arab nations such as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Turkey want to avoid a regional war, due to what the consequences will be for their nation’s infrastructure and population, their own positions are in danger due to the possibility of popular uprisings among their citizens, the colonel explained.

The populations in these regions, particularly the Muslim Arabs and the Turks, “are so angry and so enraged, they’re ready to fight, regardless of what the costs are, to destroy Israel.”

“As a result, increasingly across the Middle East, everyone who is in power or authority is privately saying … we will no longer tolerate this Israeli state and they are moving towards a state of war across the region, which will culminate, I think, in the destruction of Israel,” Macgregor warned. “And I don’t think we can stop it.”

Neoconservatives in Biden administration initiating war with Iran to serve Israel’s interests

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