Can Unhappy Americans Unite against Their Tormentors?


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

In a rare campaign appearance that looked more like a “proof of life” hostage video, Dementia Joe Biden awkwardly shuffled across the stage and attempted to tie a few mumbled syllables together into cogent sentences — “attempted” being the key word here.  Paul Joseph Watson at Modernity News chronicled Bumbling Joe’s addled “eloquence” for posterity: “‘We’ll teach Donald Trump un…err…arr valuable lesson,’ said Biden, ‘Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica unless you wanna get a…(the last word is totally undecipherable).’”  Watson added a personal observation: “Despite the embarrassment, Biden’s supporters cheered mindlessly anyway.”


That last part struck me as the Democrats’ ideal 2024 campaign slogan: “Biden and Harris: Embarrassing Candidates for Mindless Voters!”  It has a bit of a “Trikki Nikki!” ring to it, don’t you think?  Usually political parties put together campaign tickets with candidates who balance out each other’s negative qualities.  Instead of finding someone smart enough to mitigate Joe’s low I.Q., however, Democrats just doubled down on stupid.  Now we’re suffering through the costliest two-for-one special of all time: two (special) idiots and one broken America.

We’ve got war, social decay, rising crime, and runaway inflation.  What kind of “mindless voter” could live through this “house on fire” madness and think, “Wow, things in our country have really gotten so much better ever since the Deep State put Dementia Joe into office”?  You’ve got to be “Morning Joe and Mika” mindless or “Meathead Rob Reiner” mindless to believe that everything’s just grand, even as America burns to the ground.  The Marxists in the White House are collapsing the United States with a Molotov cocktail of open borders, “green energy”–induced poverty, regulatory oppression, political harassment, astroturfed racial divisiveness, warrantless mass surveillance, and an “expert” class that does nothing but invent new things for people to fear.  The nation’s executioners have put America in “concrete shoes” and tossed her overboard to sleep with the fishes.  Meanwhile, meatheads Joe, Mika, and Rob mindlessly applaud as she sinks.

Most of the country disagrees, and as many as 90% of Americans believe that the U.S. is “on the wrong track.”  You can’t get 90% of Americans to agree on anything, but Biden’s America is so awful that the most diverse collection of disgruntled citizens have all desperately concluded that the country must imminently change course.  Of course, there are still the “true believers,” the ones who have been so indoctrinated to pull the lever for a Democrat that a Republican could extend an outstretched hand to save them from drowning and they’d peevishly shoo it away.

The truth is that most elected Democrats and Republicans all belong to the same Uniparty that uses manufactured political division as a calculated public distraction, so that a small group of financial oligarchs (who fund both parties) can maintain permanent control over the population.  Right now McConnell and Schumer are pretending to haggle over funding the war in Ukraine and protecting America’s borders — when, in fact, both sides of the Uniparty desire endless war and endless illegal immigration.  Corporate lobbyists pay them to believe the exact same thing.  The difference between Democrat and Republican voters, however, is that Republicans have been “waking up” to the existence of this Machiavellian “Deep State” at least since the rise of the Tea Party Movement.  The election of Donald Trump and his continued support today represent a seismic shift in the way Republicans recognize and oppose D.C.’s entrenched corruption.  On the Democrat side, however, too many voters, rightly distrusting of corporate influence and fed up with bad government, continue to think the answer to existing corruption is even bigger government controlled by even bigger financial interests.  It is an illogical conclusion, but it is difficult to convince Democrats who have spent the last century digesting the false gospel of Big Government that Big Government might just be to blame.

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