Blood Clots Are Now America’s Number 1 Preventable Killer


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Devastating new data has revealed that fatal blood clots have now soared so high that they are the leading cause of preventable deaths in American hospitals.

According to a new report from the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA), the number of deaths caused by blood clots skyrocketed after the rollout of Covid mRNA vaccines.

The spiking number of fatalities means that blood clots now account for 300,000 annual deaths in the United States.


According to the NBCA, blood clots are now killing more Americans than car crashes, breast cancer, and AIDS combined.

Despite the alarming number of deaths, however, Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration appears to be downplaying the issue.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which only publicly reveals figures for up to the year 2021, only 100,000 people in the U.S. die from blood clots every year.

The data from the top federal health agency is far lower than the latest figures published by the NBCA.

Nevertheless, the CDC insists that nearly half of the fatalities are caused by patients not receiving proper preventative treatment, according to the CDC.

Even so, the CDC’s data show that one out of every 10 hospital mortalities is now attributed to a blood clot in the lungs.

The agency acknowledges that it has now become the leading cause of preventable hospital deaths in the United States.

The data shows that the number started soaring during the Covid pandemic.

Some studies have shown that contracting the virus has been linked to a greater chance of developing blood clots.

However, research mostly shows large numbers of people develop deadly blood clots after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

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