BioNTech and Moderna lobby the EU, Swiss and UK regulatory agencies to stop mRNA injections being classified as gene therapy


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

BioNTech and Moderna are frantically lobbying the European Parliament to stop a reclassification of mRNA injections as “gene therapy” in the upcoming revision to the European Union’s (“EU’s”) pharmaceutical legislation.

Moderna is also lobbying the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”), the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”) and the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (“Swissmedic”) to urgently “rethink their gene therapy definition.” 


According to an article published last year in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, the mode of action of covid-19 mRNA injections should classify them as gene therapy products but they have been excluded by regulatory agencies. The wide and persistent biodistribution of mRNAs and their protein products, incompletely studied due to their classification as vaccines, raises safety issues.

That Big Pharma is now lobbying the European Parliament to not classify mRNA as gene therapy was raised by a Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”), Virginie Joron, who submitted a written question to the European Commission on 2 February:

The lunch hosted by BioNTech and Moderna on 17 January was held under the auspices of the “Kangaroo Group,” a MEP-industry group providing extracurricular contact between corporate industry lobbyists and MEPs.

The invitation to BioNTech-Moderna’s Kangaroo Group lunch stated:

It’s not the first time that more than one Big Pharma company has joined forces to lobby European officials.  In 2021, the research and campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory highlighted a worrying “high level of unity among Big Pharma.”  The subject of the article was lobbyists defending Big Pharma’s monopoly on intellectual property (patent) rights on vaccines.

Lobbying members of the Kangaroo Group to not classify mRNA injections as gene therapy were Moderna’s Dr. Maren von Fritschen, who used to work for lobbying company Kalms Consulting, and BioNTech’s Head of Regulatory Affairs Dr. Constanze Blume.  They were listed as giving an introduction at the event.

Further reading: BioNTech, Moderna Lobby To Stop EU ‘Gene Therapy’ Classification, The Daily Beagle, 13 February 2024

In a post on LinkedIn, von Fritschen declared her pleasure about the opportunity to lobby the Kangaroo Group about a definition of gene therapy medicinal products that excluded mRNA products.

Maren von Fritschen on LinkedInretrieved 14 February 2024

Within weeks of the Kangaroo Group lunch, von Fritschen chaired a “crucial regulatory session” at the 3rd mRNA Hanson Wade Health Summit to lobby regulatory bodies about the “urgent need” to “rethink their gene therapy definition.”  In this case, those being targeted were members of EMA, MHRA and Swissmedic.

Maren von Fritschen on LinkedInretrieved 14 February 2024

“Strengthen public trust” – there is no trust to strengthen. It is not possible to strengthen something that does not exist.  Someone may have to inform EMA, MHRA, Swissmedic and von Fritschen that by their actions they are not, if they ever could, “strengthening trust” in mRNA products.

What is the Kangaroo Group?

There are three decision-making bodies in the EU: the European Parliament, which is the only one whose members are directly elected by citizens; the European Commission, which proposes legislation and manages the day-to-day business of the bloc; and the European Council, which is made up of member states.

In 2015, Corporate Europe Observatory highlighted the “murky channels for corporate influence in the European Parliament” and warned that “unofficial cross-party groups of MEPs and industry are a stark illustration of continued lobbying under the radar.”

What differentiates MEP-industry forums – as unofficial cross-party groups – from official intergroups is that they are not subject to the same transparency rules and safeguards. “In fact, [MEP-industry forums] are not subject to any rules at all, and can keep their members, funding and even existence hidden from public view,” Corporate Europe Observatory wrote.

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