Biometric Facial Comparison Technology From The US Customs And Border Patrol Is Quickly Leading The Way Into The New World Order


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Biometric Facial Comparison Technology is just one of the many ways we are protecting our borders while delivering a safer, more efficient travel experience.

One thing that investigators do when looking at a crime scene is to try and figure out who might benefit from the crime at hand. Take the crime that was perpetrated on 9/11, who benefitted from that? The people who were looking to exert draconian control over the American population, and with the successful passage of the Patriot Act, their mission was accomplished. This is where Biometric Facial Comparison Technology comes from, I think you can see where all this is leading.


If you dare to start asking questions, you will be instantly marginalized and censored. When they do that, you know you’re getting close to the truth. We all remember the great social media purge of 2021, that’s when we lost our decade-old Facebook page with over 200,000 followers. Biometric Facial Comparison Technology will absolutely be part of the coming rule of Antichrist, and tied in some way to the Mark of the Beast system. Henry Ford once said “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Ford could easily have been talking about today’s secretive government agencies.

Say hello to the new face of security and safety, Biometric Facial Comparison Technology

FROM CPB.GOV: The US Customs and Border Patrol has successfully implemented facial biometrics into the entry processes at all international airports, known as Simplified Arrival, and into the exit processes at 49 airport locations. CBP also expanded facial biometrics at 38 seaports and all pedestrian lanes at both Southwest Border and the Northern Border ports of entry.

To date, CBP has processed more than 300 million travelers using biometric facial comparison technology

The implementation of biometric technology stems from the 9/11 Commission Report which authorized the U.S. Government to use an automated system to record the arrivals and departures of visitors at all air, sea and land ports of entry. As technologies have evolved, facial comparison has proven to be one of the most effective solutions.

The process works like this:

  • When the traveler presents him or herself for entry, or for exit, the traveler will encounter a camera connected to CBP’s cloud-based TVS facial matching service via a secure, encrypted connection.
  • This camera matches live images with existing photo templates from passenger travel documents.
  • Once the camera captures a quality image and the system successfully matches it with historical photo templates of all travelers from the gallery associated with that manifest, the traveler proceeds to inspection for admissibility by a CBP Officer or exits the United States.

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