Argentina President Javier Milei stabbed the Beast, the WEF, at its annual conference with Klaus Schwab dazed!


by Robert Lowry, MD, America Outloud:

Last week, A monumental historic event occurred at the WEF’s annual conference. The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, walked onto the main stage of Hades-on-Landwasser and warned the world of the dangers and evil ideology that his hosts at the WEF have been pressing for ever since the WEF’s inception.

That’s right! Standing right in front of Klaus Schwab and the WEF’s gathered billionaire lieutenants and criminal politicians, President Milei warned of the Inferno the whole of the world will experience if they continue to embrace the ideology of collectivism – the very ideology the WEF has pushed into every western government and institution. It was as if the Beast himself had given Milei the grand stage, fully expecting this newly elected leader of Argentina to “come to the dark side” and accept the Beast’s invitation to become one of the elite and to back the WEF’s efforts for a one-world order.


Instead, in straight-up Luke Skywalker fashion, Milei said no to the Beast. And he effectively admonished all those who attend and worship at the foot of the Beast for betraying the people of their home communities and nations. Pointing to all the gathered Uncle Screwtapes, he looked out to the people of the world to warn them against what the WEF stands for – saying:

“Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty. Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated… by the wish to belong to a privileged cast, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.”

The Beast and his minions just sat there quietly as Melei argued against the very core of the Beast’s desires. While in the Beast’s house, President Melei took a knife and stabbed at the very heart of the Beast.

His words rang true, stating the fact of his own country’s prosperity while its people embraced the worldview of Western values, and then to its economic collapse and social woes that came about when the people abandoned that worldview to instead embrace the siren’s song of collectivism. With it, Argentina became just another entry on a long list of social, economic, and human disasters that have followed in the wake of every attempt of every people, of every nation who let loose of their Western libertarian values, to embrace instead the religious principles of collectivism – principles that call for a rejection of the seven heavenly virtues, and to first tolerate, but always eventually honor the seven deadly vices.

Theirs is a faith that, despite its claims of equality, always results in the rise of a small privileged ruling class that holds its power by inciting the people into self-hatred and fear. Like the kings of old before them, these elites market themselves to the masses to have some special right to rule over the rest – an inequality of rights … precisely what the elites at the WEF claim of themselves.

Who can rightly deny that collectivism has become the worldview and religion of the Western political elites? Their government-controlled schools have become the temples and seminaries of their godless faith and the constant source of new blind and ignorant religious zealots. Upon graduation, and not having been taught any marketable skills or knowledge during their five-year loan-gathering college, only then do they discover there are no jobs in their chosen degree fields. But rather than wake up to the truth, they still refuse to accept responsibility for the fact that they chose their economically useless courses of study. Despite this apparent failure of their college professors to teach them the truth, like the clones they are, they blanketly reject any mention of Western values, instead parroting, without understanding, the hollow talking points of their college professors.

Young collectivists can live with this schizophrenic form of reasoning because their religion – their high-school and college-instilled worldview – refuses to ever consider that perhaps an objective reality actually exists. Their college priestesses have taught them all that they are owed a nice job, nice homes, nice cars, good health, and safe communities. But (outside of the engineering and business departments) those same ivory tower professors never told them just how nice cars, nice homes, and safe communities come into existence – or that in no socialist community have these ever come to exist. Instead, they are taught the main three values of the collectivist faith – pride, jealousy & envy – that if they do not have all that they want, it is because someone else must have taken more than his fair share and is preventing others from getting and having what they are owed.

After college, these clone armies of young adults, clutching their liberal arts degrees, find that they have nothing of value to the marketplace that they didn’t already have when they entered college debt-free five years earlier. They are now saddled with mountains of debt but have never been taught their debt was created out of thin air by the real robber barons of the world – the central bankers – institutions that every good socialist blindly supports. Instead, they are taught that their middle-income neighbor is preventing them from being successful…and it is especially so if that neighbor has a different skin color. Meanwhile, the entire American middle class (of every color and stipe) is being squeezed out of existence.

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