by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

This was the second story in our “Strange Week for the News”, because once again I strongly suspect that there is much more here than meets the eye.  For one thing, what we have is another dead banker. But in this case, it’s not just any dead banker, nor is the death itself without its own symbolisms and potential “messages’.  In any case, here’s the story that many of you sent (with our thanks to all of you who did so, and to S.D. who shared the following version):

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Wealthy African banker, family identified as victims of San Bernardino Co. helicopter crash

Now you’ll note a few facts about this crash:

Among the deceased was Herbert Wigwe, the CEO of Access Bank, one of the largest banks in Nigeria. His death was confirmed by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director general of the World Trade Organization and formerly Nigeria’s finance minister, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Also onboard were Wigwe’s wife and son and a man identified by Okonjo-Iweala as Bombo Ogunbanjo, who is listed as the former chairman of Nigerian Exchange Group Plc.

So the former Nigerian finance minister was one of the victims, along with his wife and son, and an associate who himself turns out to be the head of a Nigerian investment group.

The helicopter itself, as the article notes, was a rental, and the accident appeared to have occurred in inclement weather. Notably, the helicopter itself conveniently lacked a a cockpit voice recorder:

The helicopter was not equipped with a cockpit voice recorder or flight data recorder as NTSB officials said that particular model was not required to be equipped with those devices.

Now why is this story on my radar at all?

Well, besides the fact that we can add two more bankers to the growing list of bankers who have died under mysterious and decidedly fishy circumstances, is the fact that these bankers were Nigerian. Now you may be thinking that I haven’t made the case that there’s anything at all fishy here other than the tragic coincidence of the death of two Nigerian bankers.

Well, let me put it in the terms of one of my favorite expressions: this one is like a mackerel on a moonlit beach: it both shines, and stinks.

It shines and stinks because both bankers were Nigerians. The reason that is significant is that you might recall that Nigeria actually tried a national experiment to go “completely cashless” not too long ago.

And the result was utter and complete failure:

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