by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Before we get started with this week’s blogs, I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your advice and well-wishes during last week’s latest “weather crisis”.  As many of you know (some of whom were in the same predicament), I was without water for the better part of last week, and consequently I fell way behind in my other work. I was hearing from people in Canada where it was tens of degrees below zero, to Minnesota where, in spite of people being used to such weather and knowing how to deal with it, they were experiencing similar difficulties, so thank you to all of you who took time to commiserate.

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Now, in case you haven’t heard, there’s something going on with the U.S. Navy. (The following two articles, and much of today’s high octane speculation, are courtesy of S.C.G.) My own personal fascination with this story began years ago, as regular readers of this website will know, with the U.S.S. Donald Cook incident. The Cook was an Aegis class frigate, supposedly with the latest radars and missile defense systems and a rather powerful complement of offensive weapons.  It was a stand-alone platform but could also do double duty as escorts for America’s fleet of missile magnets aircraft carriers. The whole system – even the ability to steer and navigate the ship – depended upon all that radar and computers and other wonderful electronic gadgetry it was packing. But then, something happened while the ship was on patrol in the Black Sea. An obsolescent Russian Sukhoi-22 fighter jet approached the vessel on a low fly over, the ship’s electronics suddenly shut down, leaving the Russian plane to do several mock attack runs before returning to its base.  The Donald Cook limped to the Romanian port of Constanza, where we were told that it was undergoing minor repairs, or, depending on which version of the story one consulted, the crew was being given a well-earned rest.

About six months later, the incident was repeated, this time in the Baltic Sea, but again, with the Donald Cook and a Russian Sukhoi-22. The message was apparently not received, because as we all know, the West proceeded with its war plans in the Ukraine, with predictable results.

The other part of this story was Obama’s purging of the military officer corps, replacing old general and flag officers with the likes of General “thoroughly modern” Milley (with no offense intended to Julie Andrews who popularized the character in the film version of the musical).  Whatever was going on, it soon spread. The USS John McCain and Fitzgerald, both similar frigates to the Donald Cook, experienced collisions in the busy waters off Japan and Singapore, leading to expensive repairs, an American submarine ran into an undersea mountain, leading some in this reading audience to speculate that it was all due to bad training.  At the time, I was more inclined to believe in some sort of technological explanation such as electronic interference from some other power, a hypothesis I still strongly entertain, but in the newly awakened and illuminated American military staffed by the likes of Thoroughly Modern Milley, I have to wonder. (For a full list of my blogs about these topics, see https://gizadeathstar.com/?s=USS+John+McCain or do a search on the website for “USS John McCain”).

Within this context, S.C.G. sends along the following two articles:

Why Are Almost 40 Percent of US Nuclear Attack Subs Out of Service?

USS Georgia Submarine Commander Arrested in Georgia and Relieved of Duty Due to ‘Loss of Confidence’

Now you’ll note two significant things from these articles: firstly, many of the US Navy’s attack submarines are out of service and apparently undergoing “repairs” for  some unspecified reason, leading to the speculation that “flaws” have been discovered. When I think of flaws in American submarines, the sad cases of the Skipjack and the Thresher come to mind. Secondly, a captain of one of the US Navy’s ballistic missile submarines has been relieved of his command.  As is typical in such cases, especially when a commander of a “boomer” – a missile-launching submarine capable of launching cruise and ballistic missiles (SLBMs) – the Navy isn’t saying why the captain was relieved.

In such circumstances, high octane speculation is bound to occur, and I herewith offer mine (along with my version of S.C.G.s high octane speculation that accompanied the articles). Having this many attack submarines undergoing “repair” at a time of heightened global tension, and all the war talk with Russia, is not a good thing. This may mean several things: (1) the war talk is just that: media hype and theater and saber rattling, when the reality is the US military is completely unprepared for any such major confrontation; (2) the submarines are being made war ready and needed repairs and maintenance are being undertaken in preparation for that; or (3) the “repairs” are a cover story for something else.  Bear in mind that “something else”.

All of this brings us to the relief of the captain of the Georgia from his command. As the article notes, relieving a commander of his command is a serious matter, and such actions are undertaken only in the severest of cases of incompetence (including insanity)  to failure to follow orders, and so on. Which brings me to S.C.G.’s contribution to the high octane speculation of the day, and this comes in two major variants: Version One: Captain Patterson was exhibiting unusual behavior, perhaps even the so-called “brain fog” some have reported as an adverse reaction to the quackcines, which, you’ll recall, the military mandated for its personnel, like pilots of aircraft and officers and crews of ships. Version Two: Perhaps some behavior was exhibited that cast doubt on Captain Patterson’s willingness to fire his missiles at a target (Russia) if ordered by the current (completely corrupt and insane and criminal) government, and as a result, was relieved of his command, to be eventually replaced by someone “more reliable.”  It is to be noted that “version one” and “version two” are not mutually exclusive.

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