U.S. Army Struggling to Recruit White Soldiers and the Reason is Obvious


by Paul Joseph Watson, Modernity News:

Why would they fight for a regime that hates them?

People reacted to the news that the U.S. Army is struggling to recruit white soldiers by asking why they would want to serve a regime that hates them.

A review of internal data by Military.com exposes why Army leadership are so concerned.

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“A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year,” reports the website.

In 2023, the Army missed its recruiting goal of 65,000 soldiers by a shortfall of 10,000, with just 44% of new recruits categorized as white in 2023 compared to 56.4% in 2018.

In that same time frame, the percentage of black and Hispanic recruits increased as a percentage.

“The rate at which white recruitment has fallen far outpaces nationwide demographic shifts, data experts and Army officials interviewed by Military.com noted. They don’t see a single cause to the recruiting problem, but pointed to a confluence of issues for Army recruiting, including partisan scrutiny of the service, a growing obesity epidemic and an underfunded public education system.”

However, many respondents on X pointed to an emphasis on diversity hires and general denigration of white people by the establishment as a primary reason for the collapse in white recruits.

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