The Texas Wall “Civil War” Theatrics – Show Time! Grab Your Popcorn and Enjoy the Show


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

If you have been following the “news” in recent days, both “alternative” news as well as “mainstream” media news, you are probably being worked up into a frenzy over what is happening at the border in Texas right now, believing that there is an actual showdown between Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and U.S. President Joe Biden, and what many commentators are saying is leading to a Civil War in the U.S.

But Texas is not the “Middle East” where everything coming across your screen can be easily scripted and controlled, because there are actually people who live in Texas and have gone down to the border themselves to see if what is being reported is true or not.


So let’s see what they have to say:

Who is Greg Abbott really serving?

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