The Spooky Blackout of Border News


from The Epoch Times:

There was an amazing moment last week when the governor of Texas proclaimed that the chief executive of the United States was facilitating an invasion of the United States and stopping the state of Texas from working to prevent it. The governor called President Joe Biden a “lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants across the border.”


The Supreme Court had given the go-ahead for the U.S. government to interfere with Texas’s rights at the border. Then 25 states joined Texas in active resistance to Washington’s edicts.

The drama here is epic, and central to the future of the American nation. The union itself is threatened. There is an election coming up and undocumented migrants in many states find methods to vote in federal elections, even by absentee ballots. It can come down to simple issues such as: What is the test deployed to confirm citizenship? If it is loose enough, anything is possible, as Elon Musk has pointed out.

While the migrants may be coming here to work, they can also be conscripted as stand-ins for voters, which is why many people believe that the Biden administration has taken such a strong interest.

You would have to be blind not to see what is happening here. By forcing open the border and overriding states’ rights, the Biden administration is acting like an agent of chaos, tossing out border security to recruit voters in an election that it fears it will lose, and thus cementing a blue majority for the future.

Regardless of your views, a naive person might expect that this news would be all over the main headlines, regardless of one’s position on this contentious issue. As the week progressed, there was a dearth of reporting outside of alternative channels of information.

The New York Times ignored it completely. The Wall Street Journal did the same. There is nothing on MSNBC or NPR. CNN has run a report a week late and bizarrely rendered the whole dispute as a struggle over whether the federal government can save children from drowning.

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