The “Silent Cardiac Killer” Fraud: At Least 20 Young People Age 14-35 Drop Dead Each Week. One in 300 Now Carry an “Undetected Heart Condition”


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

How they are planning to cover up COVID-19 vaccine cardiac deaths

Channel 4 News presented by Cathy Newman on Nov. 12, 2023: Clarissa Nicholls’ mother talks about the sudden death of her 20 year old daughter.


I reported this sudden death in June 2023 on Twitter:

May 7, 2023 – London, UK – 20 yo Clarissa Nicholls was studying languages at Cambridge University. She went for a trip to France in May 2023. She collapsed & died suddenly from cardiac arrest on May 7, 2023 while hiking in France. It’s virtually a certainty that she was COVID-19 Vaccinated.


They told the mother Clarissa had Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy. She believed them.

However, they lied to her. This is a new fraud that they are now pushing in the UK, Australia as well as the United States (except Canada where doctors insist none of this is happening).

In this Channel 4 Report, they claim at least 1 in 300 young people have this condition. That is also a lie.


Jan. 4, 2024 (First Coast News) – University of Washington Center for Sports Cardiology Director Dr.Jonathan Drezner (he/him) – “Any child can be potentially at risk”. “He says about 1 in 300 young people have the heart condition that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest”.

Click here to watch the video.

In this propaganda piece, they are combining two tragic deaths from 2009 and 2016, and trying to like those deaths to the new post COVID-19 Vaccine phenomenon of young people “Dying suddenly.”

The lie: “1 in 300 young people have this condition.”

They’re trying to find an excuse to start cardiac screening in young people 12-22.


From 1 in 5000, according to Boston Children’s Hospital, to 1 in 300.

According to Boston Children’s Hospital:


(2017 Corrado et al) Peer reviewed research in 2017 also suggests a consensus among cardiologists of 1 in 5000.



1998 Dec (Ahmad et al) – Localization of a Gene Responsible for Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia to Chromosome 3p23 (1 in 5000).



According to San Diego healthcare provider “SHARP”, there is a large group of conditions that comprise “1 in 300 young people has an undetected heart condition that puts them at risk of sudden cardiac arrest”:

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