by Frank Bergman, Slay News:
An investigation has discovered that tens of thousands of voters cast ballots in Georgia during the 2020 election with ineligible ballots.
The discovery emerged during a probe of the state’s voter rolls.
Concerns have been raised for some time due to voter rolls never being reconciled against any other data.
In every state, there are active voters older than Abraham Lincoln – still voting and registering in recent years.
Working with the Georgia election integrity team for months, Fractal developed an integrated Fractal database.
The database includes all available Georgia election records for 2020.
As the Gateway Pundit reported, these were reconciled against multiple other databases to determine ineligible addresses that cast a vote in 2020.
Georgia county governments generously provided detailed property tax information on every address in the major Georgia counties.
For the first time in history, voter rolls were reconciled – in real-time, from a phone – against property tax descriptions.
Death records, U.S. Postal change of address records, known address records, 911 address descriptions, and other databases were compared.
The system compared the data at a rate of 200 million transactions per second.
The results show that ballots were cast from locations where people were dead or had moved to ineligible addresses.
It also discovered multiple ballots were cast in many of the ineligible voters’ names.
Instead of a dusty report nobody could comprehend, Fractal has published a film to detail the findings.
The video exposes the bombshell discovery of the ineligible addresses casting votes that were counted in the 2020 presidential election.
Anyone can now see this from their phone – in real-time.