Nobody will be Safe if they are Vaccinated


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which contain tiny fragments of the genetic material known as “messenger ribonucleic acid.” There have been deep concerns that this entire technology may have long-term implications for human society.  There was a Swedish study that tested whether the vaccine’s mRNA could be converted to DNA and found that this was the case in certain lab-altered liver cell lines under experimental conditions. The mainstream media immediately came charging out to defend Pfizer, as always. They immediately downplayed the study, claiming that it did not assess whether the vaccine alters the human genome or what the effects of that would be. The mainstream media was banning anyone who dared to say the vaccines were harmful in any possible way.


MEDIS Trust is so low

The mainstream media sought out people who would defend Pfizer, calling them experts, saying additional research is needed because the findings in the lab setting cannot be used to make inferences about what might happen in a human body. This has led to a lot of people hoping that journalists defending Pfizer were really vaccinated rather than with water, for they deserve what they have sown. You do not mandate the entire world to be vaccinated with anything that has not been tested for long-term effects. That is no different than the medical experiments carried out by the Nazis.

Coronavirus Cycle

I did an interview in Canada back in 2020, and I just mentioned that the whole COVID-19 was a scam based on SOURCES that Klaus Schwab told friends before anyone heard of COVID-19 that a “virus was coming.”  The interviewer was suddenly canceled. My sources are renowned. I stated emphatically that Schwab had made phone calls and told people a virus was coming. This was BEFORE anyone heard of COVID-19.

This is a tactic of psychological warfare. You demonize something or someone, and you create such fear that you turn to them as your savior. COVID-19, I believe, was deliberately created in a lab; I had information in ADVANCE that a “virus was coming,” and that was told to friends of Schwab. This was used for absolute tyranny, and they are using Climate Change in the very same manner.

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