Misinformation is the #1 concern at WEF: A concise guide on how to stop it


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The World Economic Forum has identified misinformation as the #1 most important concern of attendees. Predictably, they didn’t invite me to speak about how to put a stop to it. Here’s my list.

Here’s my concise guide on how world governments can stop misinformation.

The examples listed here apply to the COVID vaccine, but the general principles are applicable to all types of misinformation:

  1. Stop lying to people

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  1. When you make a mistake, admit it publicly as soon as you realize you made a mistake
  2. Stop hiding the data. Data transparency is key. Invite credible opposition to query all available databases. If governments are telling the truth, they should have nothing to fear.
  3. Stop the censorship
  4. Speak out against any organization employing censorship or intimidation tactics to silence dissent, including medical certification boards.
  5. Scientific consensus should never be achieved by silencing dissent through censorship and intimidation tactics. All professionals, in all fields, should be allowed to speak freely to the public without fear of retribution.
  6. Hold regular open public debate with qualified people who disagree with you so the public can see directly who is telling the truth and who is not.
  7. Have a regular public dialog with government officials and the top misinformation spreaders to openly discuss the differences and how to best resolve them
  8. Act as champions of truth and when truth is not being pursued, speak out publicly about it. For example, there are many whistleblowers who will testify that clinical trial data for the Pfizer vaccine was fabricated. Is this true? The US DOJ refuses to talk to interview these whistleblowers. Yet not a single public official is calling them out for turning a blind eye to what is going on.
  9. Collaborate with the “misinformation spreaders” to design joint projects that both sides agree will resolve ambiguities. For example, how many households in America have one or more COVID vaccine injured members? The V-safe data from the CDC suggests that this number could be well over 30% of American households. What is the actual number? The CDC does not want to investigate. Why can’t there be an investigation using a process agreed to by both parties?
  10. Call for an end to all liability protection. Liability protection for vaccine manufacturers is ludicrous. Every doctor knows that vaccines are the safest medicines available. They are taught that in medical school, so it must be true. So why is it necessary for vaccines to be the only medical intervention that needs liability protection?

The reason misinformation is still a problem is because government officials won’t do any of the items listed in this post. Not a single one.

Yesterday I reached out to the FDA’s Peter Marks who has said in the past that misinformation kills people.

I said in multiple voicemails to his direct number at the FDA that we agree with him about misinformation being a problem, we just disagree on who is spreading it.

The best way to resolve differences is through dialog so I offered to gather together those misinformation spreaders that Dr. Marks agrees to meet with.

Dr. Marks did not return my calls. This is a tacit admission that he is not interested in resolving the problem in the most efficient manner.

Apparently, Dr. Marks believes that continuing to keep doing the same things over and over again will lead to a different result.

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