Inside Florida’s Billionaires Bunkers Island


from Great Game India:

Indian Creek in Florida has earned the moniker ‘Billionaire Bunkers Island’ due to its seclusion and the presence of a private security team.

Even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because residents are being priced out by people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, a local historian told Bloomberg.


“Only the very wealthy, the billionaires can afford to live in Indian Creek now. Hundreds of millions aren’t gonna cut it anymore,” said Paul George.

After purchasing two nearby mansions on the island for a combined sum of around $150 million last year, Bezos already owns multiple properties on the island and is hoping to purchase three more.

It’s debatable why Bezos would require five or more houses on a single small island; is it only to keep people away from him, or is he attempting to build something akin to Mark Zuckerberg, who is constantly growing his remote Koolau Ranch retreat in Hawaii?

A recent investigation by Wired revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is building a top-secret doomsday bunker on his estate in Kauai, Hawaii, known as ‘Koolau Ranch’.

There is a 5,000-square-foot underground doomsday shelter being built by Zuckerberg, which Bezos is most likely attempting to imitate.

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