How America’s Media Always Accept Their Lying Government


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Whereas some American media are controlled by Republicans (conservatives), some are controlled by Democrats (liberals). Republican media hide facts that they don’t want their audience to know, and Democratic media hide facts that they don’t want their audience to know; but there are many important facts that all billionaires (the people who control the Government) in both Parties want the public not to know, and so those facts are not in any of the mainstream media, because the U.S. Government lies profusely and is controlled by its billionaires who have funded the careers of virtually all successful politicians in America so as to have control over its Government.


For example, one mainstream medium in America is the National Tax Journal, which is published by the National Tax Association, which Association, on its home page, shows only one item under its “Recent Announcements”“Statement from the National Tax Association on Racial Injustice”. That topic is one that many billionaires (including virtually all of the liberal ones, but also more than half of the conservative ones) find attractive to promote, because it distracts the public from the even more deepseated injustice in America, which permeates its Government (in both Parties), which is bigotry against the poor instead of against particular ‘races’. Billionaires are the top class in the increasingly rigidified American caste system, and so they want to fool the public into thinking that the main form of discrimination in the U.S. is based on ‘race’ instead of on class, because they don’t want there to be a Second American Revolution — this time not against the foreign British aristocracy but against the domestic American one: America’s billionaires and centi-millionaires, who virtually own the U.S. Government. By promoting ‘race’ instead of class as the core form of injustice by the U.S. Government, they encourage war by each ‘race’ against the others, instead of to encourage the non-billionaires to join the class-war that the billionaires have long been perpetrating upon the entire American public — everybody less-rich than themselves.

As the liberal wing of it said, in the person of its Warren Buffett, “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” (He told this to the conservative Ben Stein reporting in the aristocracy’s New York Times, on 26 November 2006, but that newspaper woudn’t let readers access the article online, and instead preferred to make it available online only to its subscribers until 21 February 2010 at the earliest or 15 March 2010 at the latest. And the statement that Buffett made there is true (as was subsequently documented in that article from a Democratic Party news-site that removed this article because of its documenting what the billionaires — both Democratic and Republican — require to be hidden). But the 31 March 2019 issue of Forbes headlined “Reimagining Capitalism: How The Greatest System Ever Conceived (And Its Billionaires) Need To Change” and reported: “‘America works, and it works now better than it ever worked,’ Buffett says.” Better for himself and other billionaires, that is. But not for the bottom 90%, and it worked lousy for the bottom 50%, and still worse — economic decline — for the bottom 25%. But to the liberal Buffett, that’s still “better than it ever worked.” So: all that America’s billionaires can give to their dictatorship’s class-war (other than the mere hypocritical lip-service that Buffett and other Democratic Party billionaires give to it to show that they are ‘progressive’) is yet more of their funding of the careers of the most skillfully corrupt politicians to represent them in Washington — continuing to fund such lying politicians, and the billionaires’ media.

In other words: both Democratic and Republican successful politicians are successful because they are financed by billionaires and centimillionaires, not because they are good for the public.

So, for example, here, mainly from U.S.-and-allied media that aren’t owned or otherwise controlled by America’s super-rich (but also from UK billionaires’ media that support the UK and U.S. Governments, and also from U.S. Democratic Party media against Republican politicians) is how the billionaires’ media hide the Government’s lies that are against nations that those controlling owners, America’s (and UK’s) super-rich, want to conquer and want for U.S. (& UK) taxpayers to be left holding the bag in order to fund the U.S. and UK billionaires’ war to control not merely the U.S. Government but the entire planet:

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