‘Hate Crime for Being White at a Football Game’ Leads to Legal Action


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

School suspended student for wearing sports eye black on his face

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

A school that suspended a student for wearing eye black, as athletes do to reduce sun glare, at a school event is now being sued.

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Officials with the Center for American Liberty, in conjunction with Dhillon Law Group, have brought a case against the San Diego Unified School District on behalf of J.A., a middle-school student, who was punished for wearing the eye black to a football game.

An announcement from the center charged that Muirlands Middle School Principal Jeff Luna “baselessly” accused the student of wearing “blackface” with an “intent to harm.”

“School officials shouldn’t sacrifice their students’ futures on the altar of cancel culture,” warned Harmeet Dhillon, chief of the center. “No reasonable person would believe that a middle-school kid wearing athletic eye black intended to intimidate anyone or send a racist message.

“These baseless allegations do nothing but tarnish an innocent student’s reputation and jeopardize his educational future,” he explained.

Karin Sweigart, a counsel for the Dhillon group, said, “Without a speck of evidence to support his outlandish claims, J.A.’s principal found J.A. guilty of intentionally causing hate violence, a criminal act punishable by imprisonment in California courts. J.A. is guilty of nothing more than showing team spirit by wearing a well-known style of eye black, like hundreds of fans and professional athletes before him. The accusations against J.A. would be comical if they weren’t so hurtful and damaging to his future.”

The student’s father warned, “Not a single person said a thing that night, not one social media post, not the police, not the staff, and not the African American security guard who complimented him on his face paint. I spoke to many of the kids there that night, and one of the boys with my son that night was a black child. The boys didn’t even know what blackface was. An investigation was never conducted before they suspended my son and the administrators assumed the worst and charged J.A. with a hate crime for being white at a football game.”

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