Dems Spend on Pregnant Boys and Worldwide LGBTism


from Moonbattery:

With Democrats in control, a major purpose of the federal behemoth is to spend our money promoting the depraved and destructive LGBT agenda both at home and abroad.

At home, they spend to prevent “transgender boys” from getting pregnant:

The Biden administration has plowed almost $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys, according to federal grant records. …


The program will utilize a text-messaging program designed for “cisgender sexual minority girls” aged between 14-18 to “address social and structural influences of sexual behavior” in trans males, the grant’s description says.

Even liberals know that no boy ever has or ever will become pregnant. Translating out of the Liberalese, the money is to prevent girls who pretend to be boys while having sex with real boys from conceiving children. Such are the priorities of our rulers as the country comes apart.

The point of specifically targeting “transgender boys” is to advance the liberal dogma that boys can become pregnant, thereby weakening our grip on reality.

The $700,000 is a drop in the bucket:

As we reported in November last year, the Biden Administration has already spent $4.1 billion in taxpayers’ money on LGBT initiatives nationally and worldwide during the last three fiscal years.

Abroad, the redistribution of our wealth to other countries comes with rainbow-colored strings attached:

The USDA’s Sub-Working Group for the Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World identified three separate farm agencies that work internationally, according to a heavily redacted Oct. 18 memo obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project through the Freedom of Information Act.

One of these agencies is the Foreign Agricultural Service.

The Foreign Agricultural Service, or FAS, issues agriculture grants abroad. The memo says it will incorporate “sexual orientation nondiscrimination protections into FAS terms and conditions for grants and agreements and notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) to international beneficiaries.”

“Nondiscrimination” in this context is Liberalese for promotion of the LGBT agenda. This agenda has resulted in groomed children undergoing horrific sex-change procedures here in the USA.

Aside from promoting sin, degeneracy, and insanity in accordance with their social engineering objectives, Democrats’ grotesquely excessive spending may be an end in itself. The national debt has skyrocketed past $34 trillion under Biden. As economist Herbert Stein famously observed, if something cannot go on forever, it will stop. When the house of cards collapses is when Democrats will have leverage to impose the Great Reset on a population reduced to starvation.

On tips from seaoh and ABC of the ANC.

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