Are The Billions Of Cancer-Causing Plastic Particles That Are Getting Into Our Food A Form Of Global Population Control?


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

All of the plastic that we have surrounded ourselves with is slowly killing us.  The UN estimates that we produce 430 million tons of plastic each year, and approximately two-thirds of that plastic is only used for a short period of time.  Just think of all the plastic wrappers and containers that you throw away on a regular basis.  All of that plastic ends up somewhere, and it steadily breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces.  Once the pieces get small enough, they become known as “microplastics”, and they have literally saturated our water, our soil, and our air all over the planet.  In fact, scientists have found microplastics wherever they have looked, and that includes some of the remotest locations on the entire globe.  That is because even the rain that falls from the sky contains microplastics, and so there is no possible way to escape them.


As you will see below, it is well known that plastic pollution causes very serious health problems in humans.

The big corporations that produce all of this plastic know this, but they just keep doing it anyway.

Our politicians also know what all of this plastic pollution is doing to us, but they won’t lift a finger to stop it.

Could it be possible that the billions of cancer-causing plastic particles that are getting into our food are a form of global population control?

Consider that question as you read the rest of this article.

One team of researchers recently tested 16 types of protein that were purchased from two supermarkets in Portland, Oregon, and they discovered that 90 percent of the products they purchased were polluted by plastic

The majority of meat and plant-based alternatives contain tiny plastic pieces linked to cancer, according to a study that comes a day after bottled water was found to be loaded with the toxins.

Scientists tested 16 types of protein – including chicken nuggets, beef steaks, fish fillets and plant-based burgers – which showed that humans consume plastics no matter the source of protein they choose.

Ninety percent of the products contained nanoplastics – which scientists fear can accumulate in your vital organs with unknown health implications.

No matter what you decide to eat tonight, it will probably contain plastic particles.

Of course the same thing is true for what we drink.

Another recent study found that bottled water in particular is absolutely loaded with plastic

The shocking results appear to echo that of a study released on Monday, which found an average of 240,000 nanoparticles in a one-liter bottle of water, compared to 5.5 per one liter of tap water.

University of Columbia researchers tested three popular brands of bottled water sold in the United States – and, using lasers, analyzed the plastic particles they contained down to just 100 nanometers in size.

There was a time much earlier in my life when I drank a lot of bottled water.

I will not make that mistake again.

But of course none of us can get away from the plastic pollution completely.

It has been estimated that 40 percent of the dust in our homes is now made up of plastic.

And it is being reported that the amount of microplastic pollution on our ocean floors has actually tripled over the past two decades…

The amount of microplastics found at the bottom of oceans has tripled in 20 years. Once microplastics land on the seafloor, they no longer degrade, either due to a lack of erosion, oxygen or light.

Even if we stopped using all plastic tomorrow, the plastic that we have already discarded would continue to break down into smaller and smaller pieces for decades to come.

So the damage has already been done.

Sadly, all of this plastic is having an absolutely enormous impact on our health

But some estimates say that plastics-related diseases kill more than a million people each year globally and experts believe the chemicals may be contributing to a mysterious rise in cancers in young people.

The new study, by New York University researchers, estimated that in 2018 alone, exposure to the microplastics cost the US healthcare system $289 billion.

Just look at that figure.

That is a ton of money.

Numerous studies have linked microplastic exposure to cancer.  Here is just one example

In an article published on September 24, 2023, in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Gregory M. Zarus and co-authors from the Office of Innovation and Analytics, Atlanta, USA, reviewed 34 studies on the occupational health effects of microplastic exposure and found a relationship between polyvinyl chloride (PVC) particles and liver toxicity.

The authors screened the literature for publications focusing on worker exposure to microplastics that also reported health outcomes. Of the 34 included studies, 17 concerned PVC and 17 more included five other plastic types. Separating the reported effects by plastic type, Zarus et al. found “an increased risk of lung cancer associated with exposure to high concentrations of PVC microplastic ‘dust’ particles.” Besides effects on the respiratory system, exposure to PVC was further associated with liver damage including lung cancers. These human outcomes were confirmed by the animal exposure studies the authors also had a look at.

Numerous studies have also linked microplastic exposure to infertility.

The following study was actually posted on the official NIH website

Due to the problematic degradation properties of plastics, the decomposition of plastic results in the formation of numerous microplastics (MPs), less than 5 mm in diameter. These MPs enter the soil and the ocean, eventually passing through the air, water, or food chain back to the human body and harming human health. In the last 80 years, male semen analysis parameters have shown a significant decline for unknown reasons, speculated to be caused by pollutants. No studies examined the relationship between human MP exposure and male infertility. In this article, we reviewed the relevant animal experimental research literature in recent years and calculated that the minimum human equivalent dose of MPs leading to abnormal male semen quality is 0.016 mg/kg/d. The literature comparison found that MP exposure in Japan and South Korea was close to this value. These results suggest that MPs can affect male semen quality and that MPs may significantly impact male fertility.

For a deeper dive into the impact that microplastics are having on our health, I would recommend reading a book that I published a couple of years ago.  This is literally one of the greatest environmental problems that humanity has ever faced, but it gets so little attention from the media.

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