An Agenda Of Pure Satanic Evil: NWO Front Man, Barack Obama, Using His Production Company To Indoctrinate Children To Unimaginable Perversions And Anti-Christian Policies


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

In a recent Newsmax article titled “Barack Obama Among Creative Arts Emmy Winners” we see that Barri O’ won his second Emmy award.  His Emmy was for narration in the documentary “Working: What We Do All Day” following his first for the same reason for a Netflix series on national parks along with two Grammys for the same on his two memoirs audio books.  No big deal although I cannot tolerate the sound of his voice; it reminds me of the slavery of communist revolutions.  In our last column on this evil monster we discussed my reactions to their movie “Leave the World Behind” and how it projected the immanent collapse of the world as they have planned it.  Today’s column, although it still covers the Satanic Kenyan monster, is more concerned with perhaps a bit esoteric but still substantial involvements that Berri and Mikie are engaged in and related to the industry, some of which is through their production company Higher Ground Productions, which was founded in 2018.   Bear with me as we journey through a wormhole that is twisted both literally and figuratively.  It is a very dark tale to be sure.


One line I feel we need to repeat from the earlier column on this evil duo of Berri and Big Mikie is this one; “(it) is most important to understand and as I have been saying in my columns since the beginning (that) there really is a combination of various secret societies out to destroy this planet and the concepts of liberty and freedom; to convert this whole planet into some sort of evil oligarchy run by the same ones that are also pushing the destruction of any form of Christianity just as our Savior said they would do.“  As I said, a very dark tale to be sure.

Let us begin with the concept of the monomyth in comparative mythology where there is the common pattern of the Hero’s Journey where the hero(s) go on some incredible escapade to defeat some horrid enemy or crisis and comes back home not only the winning Hero but also very much transformed by the ordeal.  Although the term Hero’s Journey is the Joseph Campbell term, others have described the same thing as in Wagner’s The Ring cycle or the similar stories of Tolkien’s Hobbits and their ring.  Campbell described it thusly; “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”

The Collective Unconscious according to Carl Jung runs on instincts and archetypes and underpins the unconscious mind and helps to explain why similar themes occur in mythologies around the world.  Jung wrote “the essential thing, psychologically, is that in dreams, fantasies, and other exceptional states of mind the most far-fetched mythological motifs and symbols can appear autochthonously (that means indigenously, native to where it is found) at any time, often, apparently, as the result of particular influences, traditions, and excitations working on the individual, but more often without any sign of them.”  Keep this in mind as we traverse the squalid linkage of horrors I hope to explore.

About a month ago, Screen Rant published a listing of the 17 movies and TV shows that Bathhouse Berri and Big Mikie produced with their company.  One of the stated missions of that production company is to “focus on elevating new and diverse voices within the entertainment space, which is evident through each of its projects. Each movie and television show to come out of the studio feels intentional with its characters and storylines, as they all demonstrate a profound dedication to fostering empathy, understanding, and social change” including the emphasis of Marxism, social justice (especially the racial aspects of it), perversions and the goals of the Illuminati and related secret societies to include “powerful documentaries that shed light on the most pressing societal issues to children’s shows designed to inspire a new generation“.  Or in other words, to indoctrinate our young ones into perversions that are unimaginable.  But specifically what kind of changes? Well, that is an interesting question so let’s look at one example.

The Daily Beast back in 2017 noted that Berri O’ referenced The Matrix when he said “If there’s a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that’s going to make you well?” Obama said. There is one problem with the reference, however. In The Matrix, the blue pill keeps you blissfully ignorant of the pseudo-reality engineered by mechanical tyrants.”  That is only the first reference regarding Berri and the movie The Matrix.  A couple of years ago NPR stated that “The Matrix was written and directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski, two trans women who, at the time of movie’s release, were not publicly out. Ever since both sisters came out to the public in the 2010s, people have long speculated about the trans themes in The Matrix.”

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