With So Many People Going Into Cardiac Arrest, Should We Keep Aspirin In Our Preparations Kit? Finding Substitutes For Vital Medications For When Society Breaks Down And SHTF


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

First up is the mandatory disqualifier; I am not a doctor so take anything said here as just my opinion (which it is regardless) and please ask your physician about any changes to your medications and possible alternatives.  The information that follows is a result of my own research for my own purposes only.

Salt.  Is it bad for you or is it good for you; the official opinion varies back and forth depending on what mood the authorities are in.  “They” say you will have health problems if you have too much or too little in your diet.  The generic claim is that commercial prepared foods have far too much salt and yet many who eat prepared foods have symptoms of too little salt.  I would argue that every bodies needs varies plus the more obvious fact that the current official views varies even more.  Too much salt may cause high blood pressure and heart disease while too little can also be harmful causing insulin resistance and hyponatremia ‘they’ say.  Decades of research have shown many and varied results possibly proving that the results of research are designed to fit the parameters of those paying for the research.  There really is no such thing as “blind” tests and objective analysis of those data sets therefore, well to put it mildly, lacks credibility.  To understand the results of any given announcement just look for who ultimately pays for that research.

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As a result I have salt stored in my preparations reserves and wondered what medications I also need to be sure to have in hand.  The only critical meds seem to be those that keep my heartbeat regular and my blood thin enough that I don’t suffer another stroke.  After my stroke maybe a dozen plus years ago (that forced my retirement) my doctor made sure I was taking a baby aspirin daily and after my “heart attack” that changed.  While in my doctor’s office just a few years later for my yearly checkup, he listened to my heart and furrowed his brow, saying that I was being sent immediately to the emergency room as I was having a heart attack.  That news alone could seemingly cause such an attack, but as the ER results came back that my heart rhythm had been going nuts and Atrial Fibrillation was the cause, my medication load shifted a wee bit.

One result of that is that the daily 81mg of aspirin dose was changed to taking Coumadin (generic version called Warfarin) was instituted along with something to keep my heart in rhythm after having to go through an electric ‘shocking’ procedure to reset it and get my heart beating regular again.  The first rhythm med that they said was the preferred one did not work with me, and the next one did not either, but the third time is the charm in this instance.  So two more cardioversions (or electrocutions as I call them) and a dose of daily Flecainide (generic form of Tambocor) twice daily has been sufficient for my needs for the past number of years.  They said if that fails the only option left is a pacemaker which I refuse to have inserted as any good EMP (whether man made or natural occurring) would render it useless anyway.  So much for medications that might be easy to find substitutes for in emergency preparations when access to them is not an option after a civilization ending event.

So, while I have no substitute determined yet for the A-Fib med, replacing the blood thinner is not that difficult as I can always revert back to aspirin.  And that takes us to the topic of today’s column; is aspirin really a bad thing or is it yet another victim of woke idiocy or perhaps just marketing for the much higher priced prescription pharmacy products for the benefit of someone’s bank account rather than being a much better medication in and of itself.  The primary function of the blood thinner is directly related to the heart rhythm med because the primary problem associated with A-fib is the much higher risk of stroke from blood pooling in the Atrial chamber near the valve and spitting out clots that can then cause problems further on such as in the brain or other places.   I can do something about that with aspirin, and if I save some Flecainide for emergency use (it has already proven to stop A-fib a couple times when I slipped back into it by just taking an extra dose once or twice) perhaps I may survive a bit longer after the SHTF.

Checking in Wikipedia to see what they say about Aspirin, we find that “Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to reduce painfever, and/or inflammation, and as an antithrombotic.”  They add that “Aspirin is also used long-term to help prevent further heart attacksischaemic strokes, and blood clots in people at high risk. For pain or fever, effects typically begin within 30 minutes. Aspirin works similarly to other NSAIDs but also suppresses the normal functioning of platelets” and it is that quality that is such a help in stopping strokes.”  Those are the qualities that make Aspirin so effective and desirable for storing for preparations in an emergency.  Or, for regular usage for those things like pain relief, fever reduction, fighting headaches, preventing or stopping a stroke and more.  On that last item please allow me to relate my own experience with Aspirin and strokes.  When I had that stroke listed above, it occurred while I was driving home from my last appointment of the day, and I began to lose sight in my left eye which happened every once in a while and eases off rapidly.  Usually that is.  This time it did not, and I began to feel numbness in my left arm so I pulled over into a parking lot.  As I sat there, the eye problem got worse as well as the numbness and my left leg began to also become numb, so I pulled out my Aspirin bottle and swallowed a couple then reclined the seat and began to think of calling 911 to summon some help.  As I was thinking on that, the loss of eyesight began to reduce and the numbness as well so I put off calling to see how it went first.

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