Why Are There So Many Mentally Unstable Progressives In Education?


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

I’m not on TikTok, and I recommend you delete your account if you are (or your kid’s accounts, if they have them). If you don’t think you can live without it you can cut out the middleman and send all your personal data to the Chinese consulate (or reach out to Eric Swalwell’s office and ask for Fang-Fang’s number, same difference). But putting aside the communists who run it, there’s a big problem with the communists who use it – many of them are teachers, and a disturbing percentage of them are mentally unstable.

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This isn’t just about TikTok, it’s about academia. Major universities in this country are run by diversity hires who couldn’t bring themselves to condemn calls for genocide because they were made against Jews. When the presidents of Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania testified on the Hill last week, their steadfast insistence that calls for genocide needed “context” to determine if they were bad or not was insane. These are people who expel students for calling someone with a gravitational pull “fat” and have entire departments under their control to police pronoun use, lest some entitled brat’s latest temper tantrum not be accepted as gospel truth.

But a nuanced “context” is required before judging signs reading “Clean the world” with the Star of David in a trash can. If Hitler had a tattoo, that would probably be it. There’s your context. Well, that and all the threats of violence (and acts of violence) against those with a Jewish sounding name.

Those presidents have since released statements trying to protect their jobs, er, I mean trying to clarify what they meant. “I got caught up in what had become at that point, an extended, combative exchange about policies and procedures…I failed to convey what is my truth,” said Harvard’s President Claudine Gay. But there is no “my truth,” there is only the simple truth that she, seemingly because she was being questioned by a Republican, couldn’t bring herself to condemn calls for genocide against Jews. She seemed to dig in her heels because she was being questioned by a Republican – a “I can’t condemn it because that would be me agreeing with you, and I hate you” mentality common among many on the left.

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