When Did Governments Become so Ridiculous?


from The Epoch Times:

The world media this morning are breathlessly reporting on what they say is huge and important news. Two hundred people who claim to speak for billions of others, because they happen to have a title associated with a government post and are involved with the United Nations, say that the planet needs to transition away from fossil fuels, meaning oil, gas, and coal.

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Oh, sure. If this happens, and the world truly does go dark as we revert back hundreds of years in progress, there will be hell to pay. These big shots who agreed to this will be long gone, their bank accounts stuffed with payoffs of various sorts. No one will take responsibility at all. It’s not just a plot against progress; it’s a plot against the world’s poorest in all nations.

More likely, this is more public relations blather. Not that it won’t be damaging, but 2023 is not 2013, when people were more naïve about this whole topic. Now we are very aware of the utter impossibility of preserving anything approaching civilization without what they say we are to transition away from using.

This whole scene is so ridiculous that it is hard to fathom. Central planning has never worked on any level of government. It certainly has not worked for global governments working together. And it has never been attempted on a whole sector like this, much less the single most important sector, namely that which provides us with energy that powers civilization itself.

How do these birds imagine that they know for sure how best to power the planet? In their fevered imaginations, they conjure up a world run by breezes and sunbeams rather than the ready energy given to us by earth itself. They know their plans are better because they claim that oil, gas, and coal are causing catastrophic climate change, even though many of the world’s great scientists say that this claim is utter bollocks.

Of course, they habitually ignore all dissent. And the world press this morning breathed not a word about the many critics out there. We are just supposed to pretend that the “science is settled” and not to question any of it.

But we’ve been here before, most recently with COVID-19. The United Nations, and the World Health Organization, and every government in the world but a few, all told us that the only way to defeat some invisible pathogen out there was to give government total control of our lives. That meant mandatory loneliness and the end of religious and educational freedom, plus preposterous antics like standing six feet from everyone else.

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