WEF’s Deep Involvement in a Nefarious LGBT Agenda


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

And the Holiday Sale for lifesaving products that they do NOT want you to have access to continues…

Identity Politics and the associated LGBTQI+ movement were foisted on societies by the very same dark forces that would deploy a fake pandemic and the all too real slow kill bioweapon “vaccines.”

Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci took Karl Marx’s classical Communism, which was an attack on Capitalism’s economic and class conflict, and updated it to his theory of “cultural hegemony.” Shortly after the Great Depression, a crisis that was engineered by the very same dark forces that funded both Marx and Gramsci, Europe and America had a burgeoning middle class, which made true Marxism’s class agitation obsolete. Gramsci appreciated that “economic hegemony” was no longer an effective divide and conquer strategy, so he invented what is now known as Identity Politics. 

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His thesis was that there was a dominant “culture” ruling society, so he posited his antithesis of cultural “diversity” which would serve to divide and conquer the populations such that his hoped for inorganic synthesis, or endgame, would be a full blown global communism.

(This is similarly what the Cloward-Piven Strategy also strove for by ballooning the welfare state with open borders and class warfare in order to destroy America from within.)

We are now at the precipice of Gramsci’s deranged fever dream of global technocommunism (technocratic communism). Gramsci was the intellectual grandfather of BLM, CRT, and LGBTQI+. All of these cultural movements are wholly inorganic; in other words, State and BigCorp supplied.

Identity Politics as a whole is primarily concerned with reducing a sovereign person into a depersonalized brainwashed slave that mindlessly repeats the Statist “cultural hegemony” soundbites, such as the ultra-synthetic and utterly absurd they/them/their Gender Pronouns.

Just like the PSYOP-19 “pandemic” was a highly coordinated global technocommunist democide project, so too is the recent hyper-aggressive push to mutilate deliberately confused children with gender reassignment surgeries. Any child that is hopped-up on hormones and had their sex organs removed is reduced to a sterile servant of the State, completely dependent on corporations like BlackRock that happen to own the hospitals and clinics that lopped off their organs and supply them with a lifetime of expensive hormones and followup surgeries.

It is no wonder that just as the oil companies were always behind the whole fraudulent Green Movement (only the hopelessly ignorant/brainwashed still believe that Fossil Fuels come from dinosaurs and that 421ppm of atmospheric CO2 is some kind of weather control knob) and ESG’s, so too are corporations like BlackRock and CCP/CIA-owned Hollywood studios all behind this nefarious anti-human LGBTQI+ movement.

This merging of the State and corporations all pushing for cultural Neo-Marxism is by no means coincidental, with the UN and WEF coordinating and driving this Great Reset dystopian agenda.

by Rhoda Wilson

“Working together, restoring trust” was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda.

Ellis is proud to be part of WEF’s Power of the Media task force which aims to “help media organisations use the power of their platforms” to find ways to “build back better,” and enhance “diversity” and “social cohesion.”  Her organisation GLAAD is also a very proud partner of WEF’s Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (“PGLE”), she said during a panel discussion at WEF’s 2022 annual meeting.

She went on to say that “PGLE is a project of WEF and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.  “We work with news, business, entertainment, faith leaders, sports governments and individual activists from around the globe to educate public people on LGBTQ issues and move policy forwards,” she said.

The following year, at the 2023 WEF annual meeting, Ellis admitted GLAAD aims to “infiltrate” media and has “worked really closely with Hollywood” on “normalising LGBT folks, including us in all stories.”

The strategies that GLAAD employs have never been a secret, LifeSite News wrote.  They were laid out long ago in a gay manifesto published in 1989:

We have in mind a strategy…  calculated and powerful… manipulative… It’s time to learn from Madison Avenue, to roll out the big guns. Gays must launch a large-scale campaign – we’ve called it the waging peace campaign—to reach straights through the mainstream media. We’re talking about propaganda…

After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 90’s, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, 1989, Pg. 161

In 2022, Ellis also admitted that by changing the parameters of polls, for example adding the “Q” to the acronym and expanding the age range, they could demonstrate a higher number of youngsters that identify as LGBTQ.  We can probably assume they use other tricks as well.

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