by Wayne Allyn Root, The Gateway Pundit:

America was the greatest nation in world history ever blessed by God. The key word being “was.”
It’s all happening right in front of your eyes. You are living through the intentional destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and the great American middle class quality of life.
But you don’t need me to tell you this. You can feel it. You see it. You’re living it. You can read about the destruction and decline of America everywhere. Many conservative politicians, pundits, media personalities, radio talkers and television hosts say it every day.
My claim to fame is helping you understand WHY it’s happening. It’s all about the money. I’m here to report that the entire Democrat Party, virtually every Democrat politician, virtually our entire government, our entire mainstream media, and even quite a few members of the GOP establishment (ie RINOS), are all on the take.
They’ve sold us down the river for a few pieces of gold. They’ve stabbed us in the back. They’re traitors. It’s all about the money. These corrupt bastards have sold out America. Now they’re owned, or blackmailed, or both.
We will never get our country back until we understand what’s happening and why.
I live in Las Vegas. Listen to the treachery and corruption we’ve unearthed in Las Vegas in just the past few months. Trust me, what happens in Vegas happens everywhere. We are the canary in the coal mine. This is going on in every state, in every state legislature, in every judicial chamber, in Congress, in the White House.
We’ve been sold out.
Here is a list provided by the Republican Governor of Nevada Joe Lombardo this week…
*Democrat Assemblywoman Michelle Gorelow voted to give $250,000 of taxpayer money to a nonprofit organization, then only two weeks later they hired her as Director. She immediately ended her re-election campaign in disgrace after this scandal was publicly disclosed.
*Democrat Assemblyman C.H. Miller voted to give $100,000 of taxpayer money to a nonprofit organization without disclosing he was just hired as President and CEO. He then resigned in disgrace after this scandal was publicly disclosed.
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