USSA Banana Republik Update: Ex-FBI Counterintelligence Chief in Charge of Trump Russia “Collusion” Investigation Sentenced to 4+ Years for Colluding with Russian Oligarchs


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The wholly criminal and unconstitutional Intelligence Industrial Complex was always projecting their crimes upon Mister Operation Warp Speed aka President Trump.

The sick and twisted denouement to the entire “Russia Collusion” fraud is that one of the top apparatchiks at the corrupt FBI in charge of “counterintelligence” happened to not only be the boss of deranged sociopath Peter Strzok, but, also, scheming with the Russkies:


These quislings literally betrayed their nation. Their disingenuous pledges to uphold the Constitution that they clearly never read and/or understood were always predicated on their sick lust for power.

Charles McGonigal took Russian Oligarch bribes all while ascribing his very same treasonous crimes to President Trump. And this is just the dirty cop that was caught; imagine all of the other crooked useful idiots at the FBI, CIA, and all of the other illegitimate Federal agencies taking all kinds of kickbacks and payola? Think of all of the scientists and media lapdogs that took NIH bribes to push the deadly slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” while the CIA ran the various “pandemic” tabletop exercises. And why do the DoD and Pentagon own the C-19 “vaccine” patents?

The point is, we are at war with an illegitimate Federal government and its perpetually metastasizing Marxist agencies all hiding out in plain sight in the foreign nation of Washington, D.C.

Of course, CIA creation and Manchurian Candidate extraordinaire Barack Hussein Obama was always in on it, working swarthily behind the scenes in the cesspool of the not so capital city:

Basically, the out of control Federal government is precisely what our Founding Fathers warned us about, and why they drafted the Constitution in the first place.

It is critical to understand that We the People’s power resides above the Supreme Court, all Federal workers, and their various agencies.

We the People as per the Constitution hold far greater power over any criminal government, but only if we understand and exercise the real law of the land; which is precisely why the CIA and their communist school boards have been indoctrinating and social engineering generations of Americans to be clueless slaves. Because clueless slaves are easy to farm, and thus control like chattel.

And for all of the government agents monitoring this Substack — I know who some of you are — please read the following quotes, and then proceed to your nearest mirrors and take good hard looks at the pathetic anti-American mugs starting back at yourselves:

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