The Worldwide “Pandemic Treaty” and the Covid-19 Vaccine: Countering Propaganda with Truth. William Makis and Naomi Wolf


by Michael Welch, Dr. William Makis, and Dr. Naomi Wolf, Global Research:

I believe the reason why these autopsies are not being allowed is because I believe most of them would show the vaccine as the cause of death. I believe the spike protein would be found in damaged tissues like the heart, like the brain, or it would be found in tumors. That would mean that the vaccines would immediately have to be taken off the market, and you have got a multi hundred billion dollar industry that would come to a crashing halt immediately.”

– Dr. William Makis (From this week’s interview)



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“Imagine Disease X is as infectious as measles with the fatality rate of Ebola [67%]. Somewhere in the world, it’s replicating, and sooner or later, somebody will start feeling sick” [1]

This is the type of messaging that has been circulating in mainstream media in recent months. It is also a warning consistent with Bill Gates, the guru of all things immunological.

“We’ll have another pandemic. It will be a different pathogen next time.” [2]

As past episodes of the Global Research News Hour, and articles all over Global Research have indicated, the ‘vaccine’ seems not to be quite as safe and effective as the major health organizations and mainstream media have broadcast. And awareness of this comes from people and their loved ones and their experiences with getting the jab. (See for example the experiences relayed by the National Citizens Inquiry: Canada’s Response to COVID-19.)

In spite of these experiences, the guardians of the major Health Care authorities now seemingly bought and paid for by Big Pharma continue the standard verse that the COVID-19 Vaccines are safe and effective and that anyone who says otherwise is passing on “dis-information.” [3][4]

People the second time around may not be as anxious as the first to take the vaccine.

Could the next pandemic, if and when it comes, have another trick up it’s sleeve to cause even the most hesitant to get the jab? This is just one of many other factors we share this week on the Global Research News Hour.

In our first half hour, we touch base with Dr. William Makis. The physician who has dedicated significant tabulating the sudden deaths of physicians, athletes, mothers and so on as being possibly related to the COVID vaccination tabulates his conclusions about the “Big One” that is being promoted in mainstream media today. He also talks about how we can separate a real pandemic from a “Pharma-profit” motivated fake one.

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