The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION just had its “Lexington and Concord”


from State Of The Nation:

One Utterly Lawless Libtard Karen With SoS
Power Criminally Interferes With The 2024
POTUS Election……

…While All The Relevant Authorities Watch The
Ongoing Crime With Complicit Indifference
And/Or Enabling Non-interference


After Maine, Matt Taibbi Asks
‘Is There Any Way This Ends Well?’

— ZeroHedge

SOTN Editor’s Note: The answer to the preceding question ought to be quite obvious at this point. After the original Lexington and Concord, was there any way it could end well until after the shooting match had completely finished?

This reckless and desperate act of institutional criminality by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows can only be construed as the “Lexington and Concord” moment of the 21st century which occurred shortly after the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Trump from 2024 ballot.

And how this will end is anyone’s guess although IT WILL NOT END WELL!  It’s not gonna get ugly; it’s been horribly ugly for years now so folks better be ready when things go kinetic. Because at this point, there’s no stopping the secessions and what always comes after that.

Just a couple of more salient points about this quite deliberate Khazarian-coordinated clusterf*uck specifically designed to break up the Union.

First, that these once United States of America have been pushed beyond the point of no return, so Patriots nationwide need to respond to the upcoming cascade of events in the most effective and life-preserving way.  That means the gloves come off whenever and wherever necessary or if it’s strategically advantageous to the cause of liberty—real freedom, not fake freedom.

Second, that these two recent shots across the bow of the American Republic do represent a final warning issued by the Communist-run Uniparty to the Patriot Movement.  Both of these naked electoral crimes to brazenly rig the 2024 POTUS election by Colorado and Maine are “crossing the Rubicon” events which cannot, and will not, be walked back.  Which means that Election Day 2024 will become the “Battle of Bunker Hill”.

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