The Left Is Using Apocalyptic Language To Describe What Will Happen To America If Donald Trump Wins In 2024


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

We haven’t ever seen anything like this before.  As we approach the 2024 presidential election, I am extremely alarmed by the apocalyptic language that is being employed by many on the left.  They are making all sorts of outrageous claims about how Donald Trump is a “fascist” that will become dictator for life if he wins in 2024.  That sort of incendiary language is potentially setting the stage for unprecedented civil unrest.  If Trump actually wins in November 2024, I believe that will be the beginning of a colossal national temper tantrum by those on the left.  Instead of inflaming tensions, those in positions of power and influence should be trying to defuse them.  Our forefathers established a system in which our national leaders are supposed to be elected freely, fairly and peacefully, and that is the way that it was always supposed to be.  But now there are many that are insisting that only one outcome in November 2024 is acceptable.


In a recent editorial for the Washington Post, Robert Kagan boldly declared that there is now “a clear path to dictatorship in the United States”

Let’s stop the wishful thinking and face the stark reality: There is a clear path to dictatorship in the United States, and it is getting shorter every day. In 13 weeks, Donald Trump will have locked up the Republican nomination. In the RealClearPolitics poll average (for the period from Nov. 9 to 20), Trump leads his nearest competitor by 47 points and leads the rest of the field combined by 27 points. The idea that he is unelectable in the general election is nonsense — he is tied or ahead of President Biden in all the latest polls — stripping other Republican challengers of their own stated reasons for existence. The fact that many Americans might prefer other candidates, much ballyhooed by such political sages as Karl Rove, will soon become irrelevant when millions of Republican voters turn out to choose the person whom no one allegedly wants.

Kagan is married to Victoria Nuland, so he would know something about overthrowing a democratically elected leader and establishing a dictatorship.

But to suggest that such a thing might happen in the United States is extremely irresponsible.

If Donald Trump wins in 2024, he would not be a dictator.  His victory would represent the will of the American people, and it should be respected.

And if the American people willingly choose Joe Biden in 2024, that should be respected too.

Nobody is going to stay in office longer than they are legally permitted to do so, and anyone that suggests otherwise is engaging in extremely inflammatory speculation.

Sadly, we are likely to see so much extremely inflammatory speculation in the days ahead.

The Atlantic is publishing an entire issue dedicated to discussing what will happen “if Trump wins”, and it is absolutely loaded with wild conjecture…

One of the articles in that issue actually compares Trump to Adolf Hitler, and it warns that his ideas “contravene basic principles of the Constitution or other bedrock bases of American government”

“For weeks, Trump has been ramping up his rhetoric,” Nichols wrote. “Early last month, he echoed the vile and obsessively germophobic language of Adolf Hitler by describing immigrants as disease-ridden terrorists and psychiatric patients who are ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’ ” In a separate speech, Trump, Nichols wrote, “melded religious and political rhetoric to aim not at foreign nations or immigrants, but at his fellow citizens. This is when he crossed one of the last remaining lines that separated his usual authoritarian bluster from recognizable fascism.”

Trump’s rhetoric has numbed us in its hyperbole and frequency. As David A. Graham, one of our magazine’s chroniclers of the Trump era, wrote recently, “The former president continues to produce substantive ideas—which is not to say they are wise or prudent, but they are certainly more than gibberish. In fact, much of what Trump is discussing is un-American, not merely in the sense of being antithetical to some imagined national set of mores, but in that his ideas contravene basic principles of the Constitution or other bedrock bases of American government.”

Many on the left that are reading this pablum are buying into it hook, line and sinker.

And even many that are supposed to be “in the middle” are using this sort of explosive language.

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