The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History


from State Of The Nation:

Truly, no one has ever seen anything like this in American history.

Numerous members of the U.S. Congress as well as the Judicial Branch have refused to defend the extremely vulnerable open borders of the United States of America.

The very same traitors have flaunted their willful neglect and serial law-breaking where it concerns the protection of the American people from all sorts of threats due to open borders and illegal immigration. These dire threats only exist because of the extremely porous Mexican border.


The very same treasonous members of Congress and the Judiciary are well aware of the ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists who have easily gained entry into the USA over the past several years.

They are also aware of the countless MS-13 gang members and other hardened criminals from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Columbia, and other Central and South American countries who illegally enter the country every month.

Then there are the countless drug traffickers, human traffickers, arms traffickers and other international cartel criminals who cross the open border at will.

Border patrols across the extensive border have also reported massive amounts of contraband and black market items that make their way to and from going both ways.

So, this is the current status of our nation’s border with Mexico—a country overwhelmed by drug cartel violence, drug smuggling and open drug warfare with the 31 state governments as well as the federal government in Mexico City.


It has never been so critical to call this collective act of shocking defiance of the U.S. Constitution, as well as various federal statutes, T R E A S O N…because that’s exactly what it is.

That legislators at every level — federal, state, county and city — are deeply complicit in this highly organized conspiracy to collapse the American Republic was once inconceivable.

That there is even such a phenomenon as “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states” that protect known criminals is equally shocking and unfathomable.

Nonetheless, the surreptitious communist movement responsible has been insidiously taking over the Republic for many decades, and it has completely co-opted the entire Democrat Party. The DNC is actually a poster child for the nation’s communist party and socialist leadership. Whereas Barack Obama is their Vladimir Lenin, Hillary Clinton was meant to be their Joseph Stalin. This is why millions turned out to vote in 2016 to soundly defeat her. Clinton’s main mission was to transform this nation into a Third Millennium version of “Gulag Archipelago“—literally. As follows:

ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC, Leaves a Suicide Note Revealing Govt’s Plans to Roundup & Disarm Americans

So when the word T R E A S O N is used, this is exactly what these traitors are guilty of. And they should be treated accordingly—arrest, prosecution and imprisonment, if not capital punishment.

Why this is so important is that if the Democrats steal the 2020 presidential election, IT WILL BE game over for the American people. Simply put, the Democrat Party can never again be permitted to hold the reins of power in these United States. Should they, a Democrat president is guaranteed to do to the whole nation what the Democrats have done to California under globalist Governor Jerry Brown.

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