The American Political Crisis


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan administration, to give his assessment of the political situation in the US and whether a candidate other than Biden could result in a more reasonable US policy toward the rest of the world, and here is his reply.


American politics is in crisis. The evidence is overwhelming that Biden was not elected but was put into the presidency via a stolen election, and the evidence is overwhelming that Democrats and the Biden regime are attempting to prevent Trump from being returned to the presidency by trying to destroy him with four false felony trials and several civil lawsuits. This is an unprecedented weaponization of law for political purposes akin to Stalin’s purge trials of the Bolsheviks. The ultimate consequence is unclear. However, the people are not fooled. Trump remains the leading candidate for the presidency.

Trump received more votes on his reelection than he did when he was elected to his first term. Biden, whose support was so weak that he did not campaign, because the absence of people at his rallies was an embarrassment, was credited with more votes than any Democrat candidate in history, 10 million more than Obama, more than Hillary. The Biden vote total indicates a high level of voter support of which no sign was seen. There was no visible enthusiasm for Biden. Yet he had an unprecedented vote total.

So we have in the Biden regime an illegitimate government. It is not permissible to say so. The media do not permit it. Lawsuits, even arrest warrants are brought against people who say or provide evidence that the election was stolen. In this way those who stole the election use their control over law and prosecution to protect their theft. The theft was not limited to the presidency. It happened also to Republican representatives, senators, and governors.

Trump has had 8 years of false prosecutions — Russiagate, two illegitimate impeachment attempts, documents gate, stripper gate, Jan. 6 insurrection, resulting in his indictments by Democrat-controlled legal machinery in New York, Fulton County Georgia, and the US Dept of Justice. Additionally, Democrat state attorney general in New York is attempting to steal Trump’s real estate empire. Other Democrat judges have ruled that Trump can be sued by anyone who claims to have been “damaged” by a Trump speech.

Trump has all of this trouble and stress for two reasons alone: He threatened the powerful military/security complex by threatening to take away their enemy by normalizing relations with Russia, and he threatened the ruling establishment, sometimes referred to as the Deep State, by declaring his intent to take power from them and to give it back to the American people.

The purpose of this punishment of Trump is to send loud and clear the message that any future president or presidential candidate who threatens in any way the ruling establishment will be destroyed.

It is necessary to understand that what has been occurring for decades in the US — indeed, throughout Western civilization — is the erosion of the belief system that is the basis of the social, political, and moral order. The West has been destroyed, not by communist spies or terrorists, but by its own intellectuals and educators, film makers, historians. University education and now primary education explain Western civilization as a racist entity that exploits “people of color.” This has now developed into the demonization of white people, especially white male heterosexual gentiles. They are being eliminated from positions of power and influence and replaced with women, “people of color” and the sexually perverse. Major corporations, such as Apple, Starbucks, IBM, and even the US military have publicly announced that hirings and promotions for white males are on hold. This is a violation of the Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, but nothing is done about it. In jurisdictions where Democrats control school boards, Critical Race Theory is used to teach the white kids that they and their parents are racists who owe restitution to blacks. They are taught that they might have been born in the wrong body. Transgender clinics have sprung up in which young women’s breasts are removed and young men are chemically castrated. Parents’ attempts to interfere with the brainwashing of their children are being resisted.

It is necessary to understand that Congress and the President are not accountable to the voters. More important than votes is the campaign contributions that lead to election. The House and Senate and President are elected on the basis of large sums of money contributed by the rich and powerful financial and economic interests, such as the military/security complex, Wall Street, the pharmaceutical, energy, agribusiness and other industries. Elected officials have to comply with the interests of those who provide the money, or next election the money goes to their opponents. The Jewish billionaire George Soros uses his money to put in office aggressive partisan Democrat state attorneys general who target Republicans.

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